

16 Seasons

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  • 10 Min Yoga Balancing & Inversions

    Episode 1

    Strengthen your entire body with this Balancing and Inversion series! A series of full-body poses and postures will leave you feeling flexible and toned.

    ☑ Improved Balance
    ☑ Increased Mood
    ☑ Revitalized Flexibility

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening stretch, or whenever you have a 10 min br...

  • 10 Min Yoga Twist & Relax

    Episode 2

    Twisting yoga poses help massage your inner muscles and organs, essentially wringing out toxins while bringing in a rush of fresh oxygen and nutrients.

    ☑ Improved Digestion
    ☑ Increased Breath
    ☑ Reduced Toxins

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening stretch, or whenever you have a 10 min break.


  • 20 Min Full Body Flow

    Episode 3

    Perfect your pose with step-by-step yoga techniques breakdown. No matter your experience, follow along to explore each motion behind these essential practices.

    ☑ Improved Strength
    ☑ Boosted Balance
    ☑ Increased Power

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or whenever you have a 20 min b...

  • 15 Min Power Flow

    Episode 4

    Boost your week by joining a powerful full body flow that is designed to help you gain a greater sense of awareness and clarity.

    ☑ Improved Awareness
    ☑ Boosted Power
    ☑ Increased Clarity

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or whenever you have a 15 min break.

    ✎ Fun Fact: These energ...

  • 10 Min Yoga Open Twists

    Episode 5

    Put your new Yoga Immersion skills into action in this Standing Pose exercise! Focus on open twists and calming breathing techniques.

    ☑ Improved Blood Flow
    ☑ Increased Core Strength
    ☑ Boosted Flexibility

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or whenever you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Lear...

  • 10 Min Yoga Closed Twists

    Episode 6

    Calm the fluctuations of the mind by focusing inward with closed twists!

    ☑ Improved Blood Flow
    ☑ Increased Core Strength
    ☑ Boosted Flexibility

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or whenever you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Twists promote spinal mobility, alleviate tens...

  • 10 Min Yoga Standing Poses

    Episode 7

    While most standing poses cause you to consider outer form, today we will focus on the inner form. The inner form is what prepares us to be strong and master these standing poses! Join us and find your strength and balance.

    ☑ Improved Blood Flow
    ☑ Increased Leg Strength
    ☑ Toned Muscles

    ☾ ☼ Best...

  • 10 Min Yoga Downdog

    Episode 8

    Find the relief as you use these Downdog stretches.

    ☑ Improved Circulation
    ☑ Increased Core Strength
    ☑ Reduced Tension

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or whenever you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Research indicates that this pose can help lengthen the spine, stretch...

  • 10 Min Beginner Yoga Flow

    Episode 9

    A holistic, full-body introduction to Yoga. Focus on all aspects of the body. Pay special attention to inward focuses on your rhythm and breath.

    ☑ Boosted Core Stability
    ☑ Increased Mobility
    ☑ Toned Body

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or whenever you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Lear...

  • 30 Min Mindful Yoga For Kids

    Episode 10

    Release tension and improve focus with this easy-to-follow session!

    ☑ Improved Flexibility
    ☑ Boosted Circulation
    ☑ Rejuvenated Posture

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or whenever you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Fun Fact: Yoga can help children relax and unwind, leading to improved s...

  • 3 Min Grounded Yoga Poses

    Episode 11

    Join us for a quick tutorial in Grounded Yoga Poses, which will have you standing straighter and taller!

    ☑ Improved Posture
    ☑ Boosted Circulation
    ☑ Increased Core Strength

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or whenever you have a 3 min break.

    ✎ Fun Fact: Yoga often incorporates st...

  • 5 Min Side Plank

    Episode 12

    Challenge yourself and your children with the Side Plank exercise! This video will prepare you with all the steps you need to successfully enter this effective plank position.

    ☑ Improved Posture
    ☑ Boosted Flexibility
    ☑ Increased Core Strength

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or wh...

  • 5 Min Deep Stretch

    Episode 13

    This relaxing deep stretch session will be sure to relieve stress and tension!

    ☑ Improved Mobility
    ☑ Boosted Flexibility
    ☑ Reduced Tension

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening stretch, or whenever you have a 5 min break.

    ✎ Fun Fact: Yoga promotes a positive body image by emphasizing the impo...

  • 3 Min Crow Pose

    Episode 14

    Strengthen your arms and challenge your hip bones with our Crow Pose session! With detailed instructions, you'll be guided to successfully tackle this new position.

    ☑ Improved Balance
    ☑ Boosted Concentration
    ☑ Improved Strength

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or whenever you have...

  • 5 Min Warrior Poses

    Episode 15

    Complete this series by learning about Warrior Poses - one of the most popular poses in the yoga world.

    ☑ Improved Balance
    ☑ Boosted Concentration
    ☑ Improved Strength

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or whenever you have a 5 min break.

    ✎ Fun Fact: Warrior poses are a set of foun...

  • 10 Min Kundalini Warm Ups

    Episode 16

    Come into your body and your breath with this sequence of stretches, postures, and movements borrowed from the Kundalini practice. This practice will open up your body and get your breath and energy moving. Take this wherever is available and comfortable for you. This sequence strengthens the ner...

  • 20 Min Vinyasa Flow

    Episode 17

    Join Vinyasa Flow and activate your mind and body: hip-hop style! Get your heart pumping and break a sweat with this upbeat and energetic session.

  • 10 Min Warm Up

    Episode 18

    Take this wherever is available and comfortable for you. This sequence strengthens the nervous system and allows for mind/body relaxation. Come into your body with this sequence of stretches, postures, and movements.

    ☑ Improved Flexibility
    ☑ Boosted Circulation
    ☑ Rejuvenated Energy

    ☾ ☼ Best use...

  • 10 Min Yoga Flow

    Episode 19

    Perfect your pose with step-by-step yoga techniques breakdown. No matter your experience, follow along to explore each motion behind these essential practices.

    ☑ Improved Flexibility
    ☑ Boosted Balance
    ☑ Stronger Musculature

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or whenever you have a 3...

  • 10 Min Balancing Postures

    Episode 20

    Strengthen your posture and improve your gaze with our Balancing Postures exercise! Upon completion, expect to feel more poised and present.

    ☑ Improved Balance
    ☑ Enhanced Core Strength
    ☑ Stronger Legs

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or whenever you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Learn ...

  • 10 Min Yoga Twists

    Episode 21

    Lengthen the spine and work through deep stretches in this Yoga Twists session!

    ☑ Improved Abdominal Strength
    ☑ Enhanced Balance
    ☑ Stronger Spine

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or whenever you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Learn The Science: Research suggests that yoga twists not onl...

  • 10 Min Cool Down

    Episode 22

    This class is great for relaxing and cooling off after your workout session.

    ☑ Improved Recovery
    ☑ Enhanced Relaxation
    ☑ Reduced Lactic Acid Build-Up

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout supplement, or whenever you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Learn The Science: Cooling down after exercise...

  • 10 Min Yoga Warm Up

    Episode 23

    Take this wherever is available and comfortable for you. This sequence strengthens the nervous system and allows for mind/body relaxation. Come into your body with this sequence of stretches, postures, and movements.

    ☑ Improved Blood Flow
    ☑ Stimulated Nervous System
    ☑ Rejuvenated Energy

    ☾ ☼ Bes...

  • 10 Min Yoga Sculpt

    Episode 24

    Get toned and sculpted in this quick and simple Yoga Sculpt session.

    ☑ Improved Blood Flow
    ☑ Increased Circulation
    ☑ Toned Muscles

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or whenever you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Studies have indicated that yoga sculpt can effectively c...