

15 Seasons

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  • 10 Min Pilates Inner Thighs

    Episode 1

    This quick 10 minute session will target and tone your inner thighs. Work your foundation and build a powerful and strong body.

    ☑ Toned Thighs
    ☑ Improved Balance
    ☑ Enhanced Stability

    ☾ ☼ Best used as part of a morning or evening workout routine, or anytime you have a 10 minute break.

    ✎ Learn t...

  • Pilates para core (Português)

    Episode 2

    Neste vídeo de curso, a instrutora Mila guiará os espectadores por uma sessão de Pilates focada no fortalecimento do core. Os exercícios incluem movimentos para melhorar a estabilidade e resistência abdominal, com instruções detalhadas sobre a postura e a respiração adequada durante cada exercício.

  • Pilates para pernas e glúteos (Português)

    Episode 3

    Neste vídeo de Pilates, a instrutora Mila guia os espectadores por uma série de exercícios focados nas pernas e glúteos

  • Pilates para braços e costas (Português)

    Episode 4

    O vídeo é uma excelente opção para quem deseja fortalecer os braços e as costas por meio do Pilates, com exercícios eficazes e instruções claras.

  • Pilates sentado para parte superior do corpo (Português)

    Episode 5

    É uma sessão de treinamento que promete melhorar a força e a postura, com exercícios direcionados para ombros, tríceps e bíceps.

  • 5 Min Dance Session 1

    Episode 6

    Welcome to your first dance session - get loose, have fun, let go!

    ☑ Boosted Energy
    ☑ Improved Stamina
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 5 minute break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Dance is a form of self-expression that allows individuals to release emotions, reduce stress, and experi...

  • 10 Min Dance Session 2

    Episode 7

    Keep the fun going! Dance on over to Dance Session 2 to continue feeling funky.

    Welcome to your first dance session - get loose, have fun, let go!

    ☑ Boosted Energy
    ☑ Improved Stamina
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 10 minute break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Dance can aid in motor...

  • 5 Min Cool down

    Episode 8

    This class is great for relaxing and cooling off after your dance session.

    ☑ Released Tension
    ☑ Improved Flexibility
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 5 minute break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Engaging in a proper cool-down routine after a dance session can help reduce muscle sorene...

  • 10 Min Dance Session 3

    Episode 9

    Don't stop now! Top off your dancing session with your third & final class.

    ☑ Boosted Energy
    ☑ Improved Stamina
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 10 minute break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Dance promotes body awareness and acceptance, allowing individuals to appreciate their bodies ...

  • 10 Min Warm Up

    Episode 10

    Take this wherever is available and comfortable for you. Come into your body with this sequence of stretches, postures, and movements.

    ☑ Boosted Energy
    ☑ Improved Stamina
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 10 minute break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Warming up can increase oxygen deliv...

  • 2 Min Hip Swivel

    Episode 11

    This class is perfect if you want to loosen up and swivel those hips.

    ☑ Boosted Energy
    ☑ Improved Stamina
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 2 minute break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Hip swivels add flair and sensuality to dance routines, and they can be executed with different styles...

  • 2 Min The Charleston

    Episode 12

    Learn the Charleston in this upbeat session!

    ☑ Boosted Energy
    ☑ Improved Stamina
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 2 minute break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: The Charleston is a lively and exuberant dance that originated in the United States during the 1920s. It became one of the most...

  • 2 Min Paddle Turns

    Episode 13

    Impress your friends with you paddle turn skills.

    ☑ Boosted Energy
    ☑ Improved Stamina
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 2 minute break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Paddle turns are commonly seen in various dance styles, including ballet, jazz, and tap. They add flair and dynamic movem...

  • 2 Min Drags

    Episode 14

    Perfect your drags in this dance session!

    ☑ Boosted Energy
    ☑ Improved Stamina
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 2 minute break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Drags are often used to create visually striking and expressive moments in dance performances.

  • 2 Min Attitude Hops

    Episode 15

    Take all that attitude and channel it into some hops!

    ☑ Boosted Energy
    ☑ Improved Stamina
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 2 minute break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Dance involves coordination, balance, and spatial awareness, which stimulate brain activity and promote neuroplasticity.

  • 2 Min Pas de Bourree

    Episode 16

    Learn the Pas de Bore!

    ☑ Boosted Energy
    ☑ Improved Stamina
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 2 minute break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Pas de bourrée is a classic ballet step that is commonly used in dance choreography and serves as a fundamental building block for more complex movem...

  • 2 Min Chasse

    Episode 17

    Learn to Chasse!

    ☑ Boosted Energy
    ☑ Improved Stamina
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 2 minute break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Chasse is a common dance step used in various dance styles, including ballet, jazz, contemporary, and ballroom.

  • 2 Min Body Roll

    Episode 18

    Perfect your body roll in this upbeat cardio session.

    ☑ Boosted Energy
    ☑ Improved Stamina
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 2 minute break.

    ✎ Fun Fact: Dance is a great form of cardiovascular exercise.

  • 2 Min Booty Bounce

    Episode 19

    Engage your core, engage your glutes, and well...have a lot of fun doing it.

    ☑ Boosted Energy
    ☑ Improved Stamina
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 2 minute break.

    ✎ Fun Fact: Dance is a great form of cardiovascular exercise.

  • 2 Min Pirouette

    Episode 20

    Join in a class filled with lighthearted, fun demonstrating freestyle moves made for any dancer. Engage your whole body in this dynamic cardio routine. You'll be left feeling pumped and reinvigorated.

    ☑ Boosted Energy
    ☑ Improved Stamina
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 2 minute ...

  • 10 Min Freestyle Dance

    Episode 21

    Have fun, dance free, express yourself and discover your freestyle moves!

    ☑ Boosted Energy
    ☑ Improved Stamina
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 10 minute break.

    ✎ Fun Fact: This style of dance allows for creativity, self-expression, and individuality as dancers respond to the mu...

  • 2 Min 5 Dance Positions

    Episode 22

    Learn the five basic dance positions in this session.

    ☑ Boosted Energy
    ☑ Improved Stamina
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 2 minute break.

    ✎ Fun Fact: Dance can be a line of communication between people!

  • 30 Min Free Spirit Dance

    Episode 23

    Experience the joy of movement as an expression of liberation and self-discovery.

    ☑ Enhanced Self-Expression
    ☑ Boosted Cardiovascular Health
    ☑ Increased Confidence

    ✎ Learn The Science: Dancing for exercise has been shown to trigger the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters in the brain respo...

  • Movimiento de Impulso de Energía Matutino (Español)

    Episode 24

    Dale tu cuerpo movimiento y una buena dosis de energía para comenzar el dia de la mejor manera.