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  • Try Free Program

    20 items

    Average Video Duration: 5 minutes

    Try a selection of our most popular videos, that we have created for 1,000+ organizations and millions of people around the world.

    Helping you with an empowering journey filled with health & medical education, mindfulness, exercise, financial wellness, time ma...

  • 3 Min Gut Health And The Vagus Nerve

    Explore the intricate connection between gut health and the vagus nerve, uncovering how nurturing your gut can positively influence wellbeing.

    ☑ Enhanced Digestive Health:
    ☑ Reduced Anxiety
    ☑ Improved Immune Function

    ✎ Learn The Science: Scientific studies have revealed that the vagus nerve ser...

  • 5 Min Navigating Processed Foods

    Discover how to make healthier choices by understanding and navigating processed foods, including identifying better options and reading labels effectively.

    ☑ Minimally Processed Diet
    ☑ Nutrient Dense Approach
    ☑ On-The-Go Options

    ✎ Learn The Science: Canned beans are another nutritious and low-...

  • 5 Min Using AI To Support Mental Wellness

    Discover how to harness AI tools and applications to enhance mental wellness and support emotional wellbeing.

    ☑ Improved Mental Wellness
    ☑ Increased Support Resources
    ☑ Deeper AI Engagement

    ✎ Fun Fact: AI has been used to monitor symptoms and reactions to treatment to provide insights that can ...

  • 15 Min Movement To Combat Stress

    Targeted movement exercises designed to reduce stress and calm the mind and body.

    ☑ Reduced Stress
    ☑ Increased Energy
    ☑ Improved Circulation

    ✎ Learn The Science: Engaging in regular physical activity can reduce stress levels by lowering cortisol levels and increasing the production of endorphin...

  • 5 Min Managing Millennials & Gen Z

    Understand the differences in workplace culture and mindsets for both Millennials and Generation Z.

    ☑ Improved Generational Understanding
    ☑ Enhanced Communication
    ☑ Revitalized Leadership

    ✎ Learn the Science: According to studies, 77% of Gen Z employees do not want to work for a company whose ...

  • 3 Min Helping Kids Form A Healthy Relationship With Food

    Discover strategies to help kids develop a positive and healthy relationship with food.

    ☑ Reduced Dieting Behaviors
    ☑ Increased Confidence
    ☑ Healthier Relationship with Food

    ✎ Learn The Facts: Increasing positive self talk about body image is shown to improve children's self confidence. Studies...

  • 10 Min Recharging Meditation For Energy

    Energize your mind and body with this revitalizing visualization meditation.

    ☑ Enhanced Energy
    ☑ Improved Mood
    ☑ Boosted Clarity

    ✎ Learn The Facts: Adding visualization into your meditation practice allows you to direct your mind towards a series of favorable outcomes, while relaxing with confi...

  • 5 Min Back Strengthening

    Learn effective back strengthening stretches for improved back strength, core strength, and stamina.

    ☑ Improved Core Strength
    ☑ Revitalized Back Health
    ☑ Increased Functional Movement

    ✎ Learn The Science: Increasing back strength and flexibility can reduce risk of injuries, improve posture, and...

  • 5 Min Self Care For Sunday Scaries

    Alleviate the anticipatory anxiety often associated with the end of the weekend.

    ☑ Enhanced Happiness
    ☑ Reduced Stress and Anxiety
    ☑ Improved Work-Life Balance

    ✎ Learn The Science: Research shows that stress hormones like cortisol, when elevated over extended periods (such as from Sunday Scarie...

  • 5 Min Budgeting For Vacations

    Learn effective budgeting strategies to maximize enjoyment while minimizing expenses for your next vacation.

    ☑ Vacation Planning Techniques
    ☑ Discount Optimization
    ☑ Reduced Financial Stress

    ✎ Learn The Facts: Many travelers underestimate vacation expenses, which can include not only accommodat...

  • 3 Min Explaining Eating Disorders

    Discover insight into the complex nature of eating disorders, including the types, symptoms, at-risk populations, and lifestyle interventions.

    ☑ Improved Awareness
    ☑ Early Detection
    ☑ Increased Support Skills

    ✎ Learn The Science: Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate among all mental...

  • 5 Min Pilates For Better Posture

    Transform your posture and elevate your alignment.

    ☑ Improved Posture
    ☑ Reduced Neck & Back Discomfort
    ☑ Revitalized Mobility

    ✎ Fun Fact: Pilates not only enhances physical strength and flexibility but also promotes mental clarity and mindfulness.

  • 10 Min Meditation For Loneliness

    Find solace and connection within yourself in this meditation designed to assist with loneliness.

    ☑ Improved Emotional Health
    ☑ Enhanced Self-Love
    ☑ Calming Affirmations

    ✎ Learn the Science: Research shows that meditation can activate the anterior cingulate cortex, a region associated with emot...

  • 2 Min Understanding Joint Health And Protection

    Explore common arthritis risk factors and practical prevention tips to protect your joints.

    ☑ Reduced Joint Pain & Inflammation
    ☑ Lifestyle Modification Skills
    ☑ Boosted Joint Health

    ✎ Learn The Science: Excess weight can put pressure on joints. For every pound lost, four pounds of pressure is ...

  • 3 Min What Is Inflammation?

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your individual conditions and circumstances. Your use of Caravan services is subject to additional terms and conditions.

  • 3 Min Fundamentals Of A Squat

    Discover the proper technique and key elements of a squat to enhance your strength.

    ☑ Improved Functional Movement
    ☑ Increased Strength
    ☑ Injury Prevention

    ✎ Learn The Facts: Squats are a fundamental exercise that engage multiple muscle groups, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, ...

  • 5 Min Understanding Obesity And Weight Loss Fundamentals

    Deepen your understanding of obesity and weight loss fundamentals, including BMI calculations and heightened awareness to combat obesity effectively.

    ☑ Obesity Awareness
    ☑ Deeper Understanding Of Risk Factors
    ☑ Reduced Risk Of Chronic Disease

    ✎ Learn The Science: Scientific research indicates t...

  • 5 Min Mindful Movement For Spinal Health

    Learn a gentle stretching routine to protect the spine and improve back mobility.

    ☑ Improved Mobility & Flexibility
    ☑ Boosted Spinal Health
    ☑ Increased Back Strength

    ✎ Learn The Science: Stretching the spine allows for nutrients and oxygen to flow more efficiently around the spine, which helps ...

  • 5 Min Investing For Different Life Phases

    Master strategic investing for a prosperous future at every life stage.

    ☑ Increased Investing Knowledge
    ☑ Boosted Financial Literacy
    ☑ Enhanced Wealth Management

    ✎ Did You Know? Diversifying your investments across different asset classes to can reduce risk and enhance the potential for long-te...

  • 5 Min Fertility Health 101

    Discover essential insights into reproductive health and fertility optimization for women.

    ☑ Improved Lifestyle Choices
    ☑ Increased Fertility Health
    ☑ Boosted Cycle Awareness

    ✎ Learn The Science: Research shows that maintaining a healthy body weight and managing stress levels can significantly ...

  • 5 Min Gentle Parenting

    In this video, Caravan teacher Julika talks about gentle parenting, a parenting approach based on empathy and understanding.

    ☑ Improved Understanding
    ☑ Enhanced Parent-Child Relationship
    ☑ Stronger Relationships

    ☾ ☼ Best used when you are searching for gentle parenting tips, as a caregiver, par...

  • 1 Min Hands Only CPR

    Learn how to perform hands-only CPR in the case of a cardiac emergency.

    ☑ Increased Survivability For Cardiac Arrest
    ☑ Boosted Emergency Preparedness
    ☑ Cardiac Arrest Awareness

    ✎ Learn The Science: CPR should be performed at 100 to 120 beats per minute. A technique to know the speed of at lea...

  • 3 Min How To Eat Less Sugar

    Discover practical tips for reducing sugar intake and managing cravings for sweets.

    ☑ Improved Blood Sugar Control
    ☑ Reduced Disease Risk
    ☑ Craving Management

    ✎ Learn The Science: Reducing sugar intake can lead to improvements in insulin sensitivity, which helps the body better regulate blood s...