

15 Seasons

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  • 30 Min Seated Movement To Release Tension

    Episode 1

    Relax your muscles with seated movements and a body scan to reduce pain and tension.

    ☑ Increased Flexibility
    ☑ Reduced Tension
    ☑ Improved Relaxation

    ✎ Learn The Science: Stretching increases blood flow, boosts oxygen levels and helps deliver nutrients to your muscles.

  • 30 Min Seated Movement For Sleep

    Episode 2

    Promote restful sleep and unwind your mind and body with gentle seated movements.

    ☑ Improved Sleep Quality
    ☑ Low Impact Movement
    ☑ Reduced Tension

    ✎ Learn The Science: Moderate aerobic exercise increases the amount of slow wave sleep you get. Slow wave sleep refers to deep sleep, where the brai...

  • 30 Min Seated Movement For Energy Boost

    Episode 3

    Empower yourself with a series of movements to boost physical and mental energy.

    ☑ Enhanced Energy
    ☑ Boosted Mood
    ☑ Increased Mobility

    ✎ Learn The Facts: Studies have shown that having increased energy during the day can lead to improved and deeper sleep at night.

  • 5 Min Stretching For Low Back Pain Relief

    Episode 4

    Try these stretching techniques designed to alleviate low back pain and enhance overall flexibility

    ☑ Improved Mobility
    ☑ Reduced Tension
    ☑ Back Pain Relief

    ✎ Learn The Facts: Stretching can help relieve low back pain by improving flexibility, increasing blood flow to the muscles, and reducing ...

  • 5 Min Hip Opening For Low Back Pain

    Episode 5

    Empower yourself with an effective stretching routine to self manage and soothe back pain.

    ☑ Reduced Discomfort
    ☑ Enhanced Hip Mobility
    ☑ Improved Lumbar Flexibility

    ✎ Learn The Science: When hip muscles are tight or have excess pressure on them, they can pull the pelvis forward, increasing lo...

  • 5 Min Back Strengthening

    Episode 6

    Learn effective back strengthening stretches for improved back strength, core strength, and stamina.

    ☑ Improved Core Strength
    ☑ Revitalized Back Health
    ☑ Increased Functional Movement

    ✎ Learn The Science: Increasing back strength and flexibility can reduce risk of injuries, improve posture, and...

  • 5 Min Mindful Movement For Spinal Health

    Episode 7

    Learn a gentle stretching routine to protect the spine and improve back mobility.

    ☑ Improved Mobility & Flexibility
    ☑ Boosted Spinal Health
    ☑ Increased Back Strength

    ✎ Learn The Science: Stretching the spine allows for nutrients and oxygen to flow more efficiently around the spine, which helps ...

  • 10 Min Seated Movement For The Spine

    Episode 8

    Discover low-impact seated exercises designed to improve spinal health and flexibility.

    ☑ Enhanced Mobility
    ☑ Better Posture
    ☑ Improved Spinal Health

    ✎ Learn The Science: Regular seated spinal movements can help improve spinal flexibility and reduce the risk of back pain by enhancing circulatio...

  • 15 Min Movement To Combat Stress

    Episode 9

    Targeted movement exercises designed to reduce stress and calm the mind and body.

    ☑ Reduced Stress
    ☑ Increased Energy
    ☑ Improved Circulation

    ✎ Learn The Science: Engaging in regular physical activity can reduce stress levels by lowering cortisol levels and increasing the production of endorphin...

  • 10 Min Prenatal Workout For Pelvic Floor

    Episode 10

    Strengthen your pelvic floor and prepare for birth with this safe and effective prenatal workout.

    ☑ Improved Pelvic Floor Strength
    ☑ Enhanced Core Stability
    ☑ Boosted Circulation

    ✎ Learn The Science: Studies have shown that regular pelvic floor muscle training can effectively strengthen the mu...

  • 5 Min Seated Prenatal Flow

    Episode 11

    Enjoy gentle seated movements tailored to improve your mobility in this calming and rejuvenating prenatal flow

    ☑ Improved Comfort
    ☑ Enhanced Flexibility
    ☑ Increased Mind-Body Connection

    ✎ Learn The Science: Research indicates that regular practice of prenatal yoga is associated with decreased l...

  • 5 Min Postnatal Workout For Chest Opening

    Episode 12

    Open chest muscles and relieve tension with this postnatal workout designed to promote flexibility and strength in the upper body.

    ☑ Improved Posture
    ☑ Reduced Upper Body Tension
    ☑ Revitalized Respiratory Function

    ✎ Learn The Science: Research suggests that opening the chest can contribute to r...

  • 5 Min Postnatal Workout For Posture

    Episode 13

    Realign and strengthen your body after birth with this workout designed to improve posture and restore balance.

    ☑ Improved Strength
    ☑ Revitalized Energy
    ☑ Increased Stability

    ✎ Learn The Science: Research indicates that targeted exercises can help restore the natural curvature of the spine, red...

  • 10 Min Core Strengthening Pilates

    Episode 14

    Improve your core strength and empower your body from the inside out.

    ☑ Revitalized Balance
    ☑ Better Stability
    ☑ Increased Strength

    ✎ Learn The Science: Targeting the core muscles significantly increased the strength of the deep abdominal muscles, contributing to improved spinal stability and r...

  • 5 Min Hips and Lower Back Pilates

    Episode 15

    Revitalize your hips and lower back with targeted Pilates, unlocking strength and flexibility.

    ☑ Improved Flexibility
    ☑ Increased Strength
    ☑ Reduced Tension

    ✎ Pro Tip: Focus on engaging your core muscles during Hip and Lower Back Pilates exercises to not only strengthen the targeted areas but ...

  • 10 Min Pilates for Legs and Glute Activation

    Episode 16

    Activating key muscle groups for enhanced tone and functionality.

    ☑ Improved Stability
    ☑ Enhanced Balance
    ☑ Increased Leg Strength

    ✎ Pro Tip: Focus on engaging your glutes throughout each movement, emphasizing the mind-muscle connection to maximize the effectiveness of the exercises and enhance...

  • 5 Min Pilates For Better Posture

    Episode 17

    Transform your posture and elevate your alignment.

    ☑ Improved Posture
    ☑ Reduced Neck & Back Discomfort
    ☑ Revitalized Mobility

    ✎ Fun Fact: Pilates not only enhances physical strength and flexibility but also promotes mental clarity and mindfulness.

  • 10 Min Pilates For Energy Boost

    Episode 18

    Feel recharged and revitalized with this 10 minute Pilates boost!

    ☑ Improved Productivity
    ☑ Enhanced Mood
    ☑ Increased Energy

    ✎ Pro Tip: This practice is designed to enhance oxygen circulation, stimulate the release of endorphins, and optimize neuromuscular coordination.

  • 15 Min Soothing Full Body Stretches For Flight

    Episode 19

    Relieve tension and promote relaxation during any flight with these soothing stretches.

    ☑ Lower Stress Levels
    ☑ Expanded Range of Motion
    ☑ Released Tension

    ☾ Best used during travel, especially after a long period of sitting, in-flight, or while waiting to board.

    ✎ Fun Fact: Many airports are...

  • 10 Min Revitalizing In-Seat Workout For Flight

    Episode 20

    Elevate your in-flight experience with our revitalizing in-seat workout designed to keep you refreshed and energized throughout your travels.

    ☑ Improved Mobility
    ☑ Reduced Tension
    ☑ Boosted Blood Flow

    ☾☼ Best used before, during, or after a flight, or anytime you experience prolonged sitting du...

  • 10 Min Shoulder Stretches For Tension Relief

    Episode 21

    Learn how to prevent a rounded-shoulder posture and release upper thoracic tension with gentle mobilizations and stretches.

    ☑ Decreased Tension
    ☑ Improved Posture
    ☑ Revitalized Mobility

    ☾ Best used in the afternoon or evening, especially after a long workday, cramped travels, or sitting for too...

  • 10 Min Neck Stretches For Tension Relief

    Episode 22

    Indulge in a blissful experience of profound tension relief by incorporating gentle neck stretches and mobility exercises into your routine. These soothing movements and stretches are specifically designed to target the muscles and joints in the neck area, promoting relaxation and alleviating bui...

  • 15 Min Heart Opening Movement

    Episode 23

    Unwind and rejuvenate your body with this flow designed to release tension, leaving you feeling refreshed and energized to tackle your day.

    ☑ Increased Flexibility
    ☑ Rejuvenated Muscles
    ☑ Reduced Tension

    ☾ ☼ Best used in the morning or evening, or anytime you have a 15 min break.

    ✎ Learn the S...

  • 10 Min Movement For Sleep

    Episode 24

    Indulge in the soothing benefits of this gentle and calming nighttime routine, specifically designed to enhance relaxation and prepare your body and mind for a restful sleep. Through slow, rhythmic movements and gentle stretches, this sequence encourages the release of tension and invites a sense...