Experience Wellness at 145 Central Park North

Experience Wellness at 145 Central Park North

5 Seasons

Immerse yourself in a sanctuary of serenity and self-care at 145 Central Park North. Join us for a curated collection of wellness videos filmed within this exceptional residence, guiding you on a transformative journey towards optimal well-being. Discover soothing meditations, revitalizing self-care practices, and mindful relationships carefully designed to nurture your holistic wellness. Unlock a new level of balance and vitality at 145 Central Park North and embrace a life of serenity and self-discovery.

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Experience Wellness at 145 Central Park North
  • Escaneo corporal (Español)

    Episode 1

    Experimenta una profunda relajación y conexión mente-cuerpo a través de esta práctica de escaneo corporal, en la que serás guiado para explorar y liberar tensiones físicas y emocionales, promoviendo el bienestar integral.

  • 5 Min A Feedback Conversation

    Episode 2

    Learn the art of conducting effective feedback conversations that foster growth, open communication, and mutual understanding in our comprehensive guide.

    ☑ Improved Feedback Skills
    ☑ Increased Growth
    ☑ Enhanced Understanding

    ☾☼ Best used when you’re giving feedback at work, or anytime you have ...

  • 3 Min Feedback: Definition & Purpose

    Episode 3

    Explore the definition and purpose of feedback, understanding how it serves as a valuable tool for communication.

    ☑ Improved Communication
    ☑ Enhanced Understanding
    ☑ Increased Collaboration

    ☾☼ Best used when you’re giving feedback at work, or anytime you have a 3 min break.

    ✎ Pro Tip: When gi...

  • 5 Min Feedback At Work

    Episode 4

    Discover the power of constructive feedback at work, unlocking its potential to drive professional growth.

    ☑ Improved Communication Skills
    ☑ Enhanced Growth
    ☑ Increased Collaboration

    ☾☼ Best used when you’re giving feedback at work, or anytime you have a 5 min break.

    ✎ Pro Tip: In a study by ...

  • 3 Min Understanding The 3 Types Of Feedback

    Episode 5

    Gain insight into how feedback can be harnessed to drive personal and professional growth.

    ☑ Improved Communication
    ☑ Increased Professional Growth
    ☑ Boosted Constructive Feedback

    ☾☼ Best used when you’re giving feedback at work, or anytime you have a 3 min break.

    ✎ Fun Fact: Did you know tha...

  • 5 Min Feedback & Defensiveness

    Episode 6

    Explore the intricate relationship between feedback and defensiveness, uncovering strategies to provide and receive feedback in a way that minimizes defensive reactions.

    ☑ Reduced Defensiveness
    ☑ Better Relationships
    ☑ Increased Communication

    ☾☼ Best used when you’re giving feedback at work, ...

  • 10 Min Revitalizing In-Seat Workout For Flight

    Episode 7

    Elevate your in-flight experience with our revitalizing in-seat workout designed to keep you refreshed and energized throughout your travels.

    ☑ Improved Mobility
    ☑ Reduced Tension
    ☑ Boosted Blood Flow

    ☾☼ Best used before, during, or after a flight, or anytime you experience prolonged sitting du...

  • 15 Min Soothing Full Body Stretches For Flight

    Episode 8

    Relieve tension and promote relaxation during any flight with these soothing stretches.

    ☑ Lower Stress Levels
    ☑ Expanded Range of Motion
    ☑ Released Tension

    ☾ Best used during travel, especially after a long period of sitting, in-flight, or while waiting to board.

    ✎ Fun Fact: Many airports are...

  • Méditation pour cultiver la perspective (Français)

    Episode 9

    Élargissez votre point de vue et adoptez une perspective plus large avec cette séance de méditation éclairante.

  • Méditation pour cultiver la bienveillance (Français)

    Episode 10

    Plongez dans un voyage d'amour-propre et de bienveillance envers les autres grâce à la méditation.

  • Méditation pour cultiver la concentration (Français)

    Episode 11

    Affinez votre concentration et clarité d'esprit avec ce guide de méditation centré.

  • Méditation pour cultiver l'ouverture (Français)

    Episode 12

    Adoptez l'art de la pleine conscience et de l'ouverture avec cette séance de méditation.

  • Méditation pour cultiver la présence (Français)

    Episode 13

    Un guide de méditation pour vous aider à cultiver un profond sentiment de présence dans l'instant.

  • 5 Min Affirmations For Sleep

    Episode 14

    Practice calming and reassuring statements to quiet the mind and promote a restful night's sleep.

    ☑ Improved Sleep Quality
    ☑ Enhanced Relaxation
    ☑ Revitalized Peace

    ☾ Best used within the hour before bed.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Research studies have shown that incorporating positive affirmation...

  • 5 Min Mindful Journaling For Better Sleep

    Episode 15

    Experience improved sleep with mindful journaling, as it helps declutter your mind, release worries, and foster a sense of calm before bedtime.

    ☑ Deeper Sleep
    ☑ Restored Calmness
    ☑ Revitalized Clarity

    ☾ Best used within the hour before bed.

    ✎ Learn The Science: Scientific studies have reveal...

  • 5 Min Progressive Muscle Relaxation For Sleep

    Episode 16

    Learn powerful techniques to release tension and achieve a state of deep relaxation, paving the way for a peaceful and restful night's sleep.

    ☑ Released Muscle Tension
    ☑ Enhanced Relaxation
    ☑ Revitalized Movement

    ☾ Best used within the hour before bed.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Progressive Muscle ...

  • 5 Min Guided Visualization Meditation For Restful Sleep

    Episode 17

    Embark on a tranquil journey, melting away the day's worries and paving the way for restful sleep, promoting a deeper sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.

    ☑ Increased Clarity
    ☑ Deeper Sleep
    ☑ Decreased Disturbances

    ☾ Best used within the hour before bed.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Research studie...

  • 5 Min Meditation To Engage Your 5 Senses

    Episode 18

    Immerse yourself in bliss, engaging all five senses to cultivate mindfulness and find inner peace.

    ☑ Improved Awareness
    ☑ Enhanced Clarity
    ☑ Increased Presence

    ☾☼ Best used when you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or to end/begin your day.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Research has demonstrated that ...

  • 3 Min Introduction To Retirement Planning

    Episode 19

    Explore the key principles and strategies of retirement planning to secure a worry-free future.

    ☑ Improved Saving Habits
    ☑ Increased Confidence for Retirement
    ☑ Secured Financial Future

    ☾☼ Best used when you’re planning for retirement, or anytime you have a 3 min break.

    ✎ Fun Fact: Time truly...

  • 3 Min Smart Shopping

    Episode 20

    Master the art of smart shopping, where you'll learn valuable techniques to find great deals, make informed purchasing decisions, and maximize your savings.

    ☑ Improved Conscious Spending
    ☑ Enhanced Savings
    ☑ Increased Intuitive Purchasing

    ☾☼ Best used when you are on a financial wellness journ...

  • 3 Min Mindful Spending

    Episode 21

    Learn how to align your spending with your values and long-term goals, make informed financial decisions, and discover the joy of living within your means.

    ☑ Improved Conscious Spending
    ☑ Better Impulse Spending Control
    ☑ Increased Intuitive Purchasing

    ☾☼ Best used when you struggle with impuls...

  • 3 Min Understanding Credit

    Episode 22

    Gain comprehensive insights into the world of credit and learn how to manage it responsibly for a financially secure future.

    ☑ Improved Understanding of Credit
    ☑ Enhanced Borrowing Power
    ☑ Increased Credit Score

    ☾☼ Best used when you are on a financial wellness journey, or anytime you have 3 m...

  • 3 Min Managing Financial Stress & Building Resilience

    Episode 23

    Equip yourself with effective techniques to manage financial stress and build resilience for a secure financial future.

    ☑ Decreased Financial Stress
    ☑ Increased Resilience
    ☑ Improved Fiscal Mindset

    ☾☼ Best used when you’re feeling financial strain, or anytime you have a 3 min break.

    ✎ Pro Tip...

  • 5 Min Prenatal Nutrition

    Episode 24

    Equip yourself with essential knowledge to ensure optimal health and support proper growth and development during the crucial prenatal period.

    ☑ Increased Nutrient Density and Diversity
    ☑ Decreased Toxin Transfer
    ☑ Healthier Gestation

    ☾☼ Best used when you’re currently pregnant, planning to be...