Learn techniques to take ownership of compliments you receive and speak positively about yourself.
☑ Reduced Self Judgment
☑ Boosted Self Esteem
☑ Relationship Building
✎ Fun Fact: When accepting a compliment, try and avoid saying the word "but". “But" can erase the positive impact and power of a compliment.
Up Next in All Classes
5 Min Self-Care After Helping Someone...
Learn how to support and care for yourself when helping someone in a crisis.
☑ Reduced Guilt
☑ Boosted Self Care
☑ Increased Mental Resilience✎ Pro Tip: Helping someone through a crisis or hard time can be challenging. Ensure that you are getting enough sleep, eating properly, and equally prio...
5 Min Recognizing The Signs Of A Ment...
Learn potential psychological, physical, and emotional signs of a mental health crisis.
☑ Mental Health Intervention Tactics
☑ Behavioral Change & Symptom Awareness
☑ Increased Mental Safety✎ Pro Tip: While it may seem scary to reach out for help if you or a loved one is experiencing a mental ...
3 Min De-Escalation Techniques For So...
Keep yourself and others safe with these key strategies for de-escalating a mental health crisis.
☑ Mindful De-Escalation Techniques
☑ Safe & Active Listening
☑ Increased Mental Health Awareness✎ Learn The Facts: Keep a calm demeanor when trying to de-escalate a mental health crisis. While you...