

16 Seasons

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  • 5 Min Mantra For Prosperity

    Episode 1

    Use mantras and mudras to overcome negative mindsets and stress through this healing process. Self-care has never been so effortless with this quick technique. Find your moment of mindfulness, calm, and peace with these effective exercises.

    ☑ Improved Awareness
    ☑ Better Mindset
    ☑ Stimulated Peac...

  • 3 Min Mantra For Clearing

    Episode 2

    This mantra meditation is great when you find yourself stuck in a negative headspace or if you want to find a moment of peace. Use the vibration of the mantra sound to break free from the mental interlock and find yourself in a calm, safe place.

    ☑ Improved Cognitive Function
    ☑ Calmer Mind
    ☑ Peac...

  • 5 Min Breath Of Fire

    Episode 3

    Breath of Fire is a technique that helps to balance the inhale and exhale, stimulating the body and mind. This practice can increase energy, clear the mind and increase lung capacity, oxygen flow to the brain, and release toxins from the lungs. It also regulates the brain-pancreas-endocrine pathw...

  • 5 Min Inhale Focused Breath

    Episode 4

    Experience an increase in energy by using this inhale-focused interrupted breathing technique. By approaching breathing with a more mindful perspective, you will notice a positive shift in your energy levels.

    ☑ Revitalized Breath
    ☑ Increased Calm Energy
    ☑ Decreased Stress

    ☾ ☼ Ideal for anytime ...

  • 3 Min Ocean Breath

    Episode 5

    Ocean breath, also called Ujjayi breath, is a great breathing technique to calm the mind, release stress and warm the body.

    ☑ Calmed Mind
    ☑ Restored Balance
    ☑ Recharged Motivation

    ☾ ☼ Ideal for anytime you are feeling drained, or whenever you have a 3 min break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: A study de...

  • 5 Min Equal Breath

    Episode 6

    In just 5 minutes, transform your breath with a combination of deep inhale and exhale exercises!

    ☑ Increased Relaxation
    ☑ Boosted Balance
    ☑ Improved Clarity

    ☾ ☼ Ideal for anytime you are feeling low-energy, or whenever you have a 5 min break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Practicing deep and controlled...

  • 20 Min Tibetan Breathing

    Episode 7

    Breathe toward euphoria. This unique sequence of 30 power breaths in three parts will leave you feeling euphoric for days following. Your body will thank you. Deep breathing sends a message to your brain to calm down, this message is then sent to your body, leaving you with blissful sense of peac...

  • 3 Min Clarity Breath

    Episode 8

    Learn this three-stroke breath for focus and clarity - when you need to center yourself, in the middle of a busy day, or before a big meeting - breathe to check in with yourself. Take this practice whenever and wherever you need.

    ☑ Boosted Clarity
    ☑ Increased Calm Energy
    ☑ Decreased Stress

    ☾ ☼...

  • 3 Min Calm Breath

    Episode 9

    Use this breathing technique whenever you find yourself going nonstop - take a second to calm down and bring your energy way down. At home, light a candle, break out your go to essential oil, close the blinds, and remind yourself you're taking a moment for you. Relax into a healthier, stronger yo...

  • 3 Min Color Breathing

    Episode 10

    Try this fun exercise that will get the negative energy out and the positive in. Help clear your mind and enjoy a moment with yourself using a color visualization technique.

    ☑ Improved Awareness
    ☑ Enhanced Balance
    ☑ Increased Visualization

    ☾ ☼ Best used if you're feeling stressed, or anytime yo...

  • 5 Min Exhale Focused Breath

    Episode 11

    Use this exhale-focused interrupted breathing technique to release tension and clear your mind. By approaching breathing with a more mindful perspective, you will notice a positive shift in your energy levels and an increased sense of calm and clarity.

    ☑ Revitalized Breath
    ☑ Increased Calm Energ...

  • 3 Min Mantra For Healing

    Episode 12

    Whether you're in need of some self-healing or want to send good energy to someone who's dear to you, use this meditation to let positivity into your life and feel amazing.

    ☑ Enhanced Self-Compassion
    ☑ Better Mindset
    ☑ Stimulated Positivity

    ☾ ☼ Best used when you are on a healing journey, or wh...

  • 10 Min Body Awareness

    Episode 13

    Use these easy techniques to gain a sense of strength, balance, and tranquility wherever you find yourself. This session is designed to help you cultivate a mind-body-soul balance as you wind down from your day.

    ☑ Improved Awareness
    ☑ Mind-Body Balance
    ☑ Stimulated Mind

    ☾ ☼ Best used when you a...

  • 10 Min Mid-Day Restorative

    Episode 14

    This simple restorative pose you can use at the end of the day to relax, rejuvenate, and relieve your bodily tension. Use this pose and breathing technique to widen your upper body and rid yourself of unwanted worries before bed to experience a tranquil rest.

    ☑ Improved Relaxation
    ☑ Mind-Body Ba...

  • 5 Min Unwind Your Day

    Episode 15

    Take this restorative pose at the end of your day to unwind and practice mindfulness. Focus on alleviating tension built up in the body from excessive sitting and being in flight or fight mode. Prepare for a deep restful sleep that will produce and release cytokines to regulate the immune system....

  • 5 Min Visualization Meditation

    Episode 16

    Navigate your intentions and awaken your inner strength with Yemie as she utilizes visualization to guide you to the present. Help create a greater degree of focus and direction in your life through this carefully calibrated routine.

    ☑ Improved Focus
    ☑ Better Resilience
    ☑ Stimulated Energy

    ☾ ☼ ...

  • 5 Min Breathing Meditation

    Episode 17

    Invite and receive good energy while you come into your own space. Deepen your breath while you notice and recognize sensations in your body and mind.

    ☑ Improved Awareness
    ☑ Increased Relaxation
    ☑ Easier Respiration

    ☾ ☼ Best used whenever you are feeling down, or whenever you have a 5 min brea...

  • 10 Min Meditation Guided Art

    Episode 18

    Join Brana as she guides you through a meditation guided art experience designed to express your subconscious emotions in a creative way. Take advantage of this healing and creative process and incorporate it into your daily life.

    ☑ Improved Creativity
    ☑ Increased Healing
    ☑ Boosted Artistic Skil...

  • 7 Min Free Drawing

    Episode 19

    Express yourself through drawing exercises: allow your thoughts to transition from judgement to observation.

    ☑ Improved Creativity
    ☑ Increased Healing
    ☑ Boosted Artistic Skills

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 7 minute break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: The act of creating art and engaging in a medit...

  • Méditation pour se détendre (Français)

    Episode 20

  • Méditation pour un meilleur sommeil (Français)

    Episode 21

    Une courte méditation pour s’entrainer a dormir mieux.

  • Méditation par la respiration (Français)

    Episode 22

    Une courte méditation pour retrouver le calme grâce à la respiration, méditation pour un coeur calme.

  • Méditation pour la gratitude attitude (Français)

    Episode 23

    Meditation guidée utilisant visualisation et posture de mains afin de recevoir encore plus de la part de l’univers.

  • Méditation pour le focus et la clarité (Français)

    Episode 24

    Meditation guidée utilisant une position de mains pour accroitre focus et clarté mentale.