Participate in a calming meditation when dealing with stressful situations in the workplace.
☑ Released Tension
☑ Increased Mindfulness & Openness
☑ Boosted Mood
✎ Pro Tip: Other tips to reduce work related stress include celebrating the small wins, allowing yourself to take breaks, talking to yourself kindly, and taking care of your body through nourishment and sleep.
Up Next in All Classes
5 Min Meditation For Body Positivity
Use this gentle meditation to promote body positivity and self love.
☑ Boosted Self Love
☑ Positive Affirmation Techniques
☑ Increased Coping Techniques✎ Learn The Facts: Other practices that you can include in your daily life to promote body positivity include surrounding yourself with loved ...
5 Min Meditation For Courage
Empower yourself in hard and scary times with this meditation for courage and strength.
☑ Increased Courage & Bravery
☑ Boosted Inner Strength
☑ Positive Self Talk✎ Learn The Facts: Meditations for courage allow us to look within ourselves and find the bravery to face our fears. Meditation can...
5 Min Meditation For Optimism
Start your day with this powerful meditation to cultivate optimism.
☑ Positive Affirmations
☑ Enhanced Happiness
☑ Reduced Negativity✎ Learn The Facts: Saying positive affirmations to yourself while looking in the mirror can be a powerful tool to promoting optimism and self love.