Dr. Hassan

Dr. Hassan

Dr. Hassan exudes a genuine passion for health. With a heartfelt commitment to fostering positive health outcomes, he strives to inspire positive lifestyle changes and promote a vibrant life for all.

Dr. Hassan
  • 5 Min Understanding COPD

    Gain knowledge on the causes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and how it impacts the respiratory system.

    ☑ Tobacco Cessation Awareness
    ☑ COPD Symptom Management
    ☑ Boosted Bronchial Health

    ✎ Learn The Facts: With proper management, including medication, lifestyle changes, and pulmonary...

  • 5 Min What Are Respiratory Infections?

    Learn about the three types of respiratory infections.

    ☑ Types Of Respiratory Infections
    ☑ Infection Prevention Skills
    ☑ Risk Factor Awareness

    ✎ Learn The Facts: There are certain foods that can help boost the immune system and prevent respiratory infections. These consist of citrus fruits th...

  • 3 Min How To Protect Your Respiratory System

    Learn how to protect your respiratory system with these simple tips.

    ☑ Enhanced Respiratory Function
    ☑ Boosted Quality Of Life
    ☑ Risk Factor Awareness

    ✎ Learn The Facts: Studies show that practicing deep breathing and yoga techniques can help improve the health and function of the respiratory ...

  • 3 Min Detecting & Preventing Lung Cancer

    Understand the importance of lung cancer screening and detection.

    ☑ Lung Cancer Screening
    ☑ Smoking Risks
    ☑ Lung Cancer Knowledge

    ✎ Learn The Facts: Staying physically active helps to boost lung health and functioning, and reduce risk of lung cancer.

    *The program is intended for general infor...

  • 3 Min Respiratory System Anatomy

    Learn about the anatomy and functions of the respiratory system.

    ☑ Respiratory Anatomy Awareness
    ☑ Improved Alveoli Health
    ☑ Infant Respiratory Anatomy

    ✎ Learn The Facts: The diaphragm, which is located below the lungs, is responsible for 80% of our breathing functions.

    *The program is inte...

  • 3 Min Respiratory Health & Exercise

    Discover how to optimize your respiratory health through exercise, including tailored strategies for those with conditions like sleep apnea to safely and effectively improve their fitness.

    ☑ Boosted Respiratory Health
    ☑ Increased Physical Activity
    ☑ Reduced Lung Toxins

    ✎ Learn The Facts: Studie...

  • 3 Min Living Well With Asthma

    Gain awareness of asthma, its common triggers, and ways to treat it.

    ☑ Asthma Symptom Awareness
    ☑ Reduced Asthma Triggers
    ☑ Treatment Options

    ✎ Learn The Facts: If left untreated, persons with asthma can experience airway remodeling. Airway remodeling is a condition in which the lungs become...

  • زراعة حب وتقدير النفس (العربية)

    1. الاعتراف بأهمية معاملة النفس باللطف والفهم، خاصة في الأوقات الصعبة أو عند الفشل.
    2. ممارسة الرأفة بالنفس من خلال التأمل الواعي وروتين العناية الذاتية والحديث الإيجابي للنفس.
    3. اعتماد العيوب والتخلي عن الانتقادات الذاتية لتعزيز السلام الداخلي والقبول.

  • 3 Min Air Quality & Respiratory Health

    Discover methods to improve the air quality in your living space and improve your respiratory health.

    ☑ Improved Air Quality
    ☑ Reduced Infectious Agents
    ☑ Boosted Respiratory Health

    ✎ Learn The Facts: A way to improve air quality in your home is by taking your shoes off at entry ways, and havi...

  • 3 Min Types Of Mental Health Disorders

    Learn the differences between common types of mood disorders such as manic, depressive, anxiety, traumatic, and obsessive-compulsive disorders.

    ☑ Improved Allyship
    ☑ Increased Understanding
    ☑ Reduced Bias & Stigma

    ✎ Learn The Science: Approximately 1 in 2 individuals globally will experience a ...

  • 3 Min Recognizing Anxiety Disorders

    Learn to identify and understand various types of anxiety disorders.

    ☑ Improved Awareness
    ☑ Enhanced Symptom Knowledge
    ☑ Early Detection

    ✎ Learn The Science: Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health disorders globally, affecting approximately 1 in 14 people worldwide, making th...

  • 3 Min Explaining Eating Disorders

    Discover insight into the complex nature of eating disorders, including the types, symptoms, at-risk populations, and lifestyle interventions.

    ☑ Improved Awareness
    ☑ Early Detection
    ☑ Increased Support Skills

    ✎ Learn The Science: Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate among all mental...

  • 3 Min What Is Bipolar Disorder?

    Discover the spectrum of bipolar disorders, from manic highs to depressive lows, and learn about common symptoms and available resources.

    ☑ Early Detection
    ☑ Boosted Understanding
    ☑ Increased Support Skills

    ✎ Learn The Science: Bipolar disorders have a strong genetic component, with studies est...

  • (العربية) ما هو القلق

    يستعرض هذا الفيديو موضوع القلق المرضي، ويوضح كيفية التمييز بينه وبين القلق العادي، ويشرح أسبابه وأعراضه، وكيفية علاجه.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your indivi...

  • (العربية) ما هو مرض السكري وكيفية الحد من المخاطر

    يتناول هذا الفيديو موضوع مرض السكري، يشرح أنواعه وأعراضه ومضاعفاته، وكيفية علاجه.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your individual conditions and circumstances. Yo...

  • (العربية) أنواع الاضطرابات النفسية

    هذا الفيديو يتحدث عن أنواع الأمراض النفسية، وكيفية تشخيصها والتعرف عليها، وعلاجها من قبل المتخصصين، بالإضافة إلى التشابك والتداخل بينا.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice bas...

  • (العربية) العقم وكيفية تحسين الخصوبة

    يستعرض هذا الفيديو موضوع العقم، حيث يتناول أسبابه لدى الرجل والمرأة، ويشرح كيفية اكتشافه والعلاج المتاح، بالإضافة إلى استعراض كيفية تعزيز الخصوبة.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical...

  • (العربية) ما هي السمنة وكيفية الوقاية منها

    يستعرض هذا الفيديو موضوع السمنة، يشرح كيفية قياسها وأخطارها، ويبين كيفية التخلص منها وعلاجها.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your individual conditions and circu...

  • (العربية) الضغط العصبي

    يستعرض هذا الفيديو موضوع الضغط العصبي المرضي، يشرح كيفية التعرف عليه وأسبابه، ويوضح الفرق بينه وبين الضغط العصبي الطبيعي الذي نحتاجه.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based...

  • (العربية) نظام النوم الصحي

    هذا الفيديو يتحدث عن النوم وأمراضه، وما يتعلق بالنوم الصحي، وكيفية تحقيقه، وما هي معوقاته.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your individual conditions and circumst...

  • (العربية) انقطاع الطمث وأعراضه

    يتناول هذا الفيديو موضوع سن اليأس لدى المرأة، يشرح متى يحدث وما هي الأعراض المصاحبة له، وكيفية علاجها.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your individual conditions ...

  • (العربية) الاكتئاب وكيفية التخفيف منه

    يتناول هذا الفيديو موضوع الاكتئاب، مع التطرق إلى أسبابه ومخاطره، ويشرح كيفية التشخيص والعلاج، إضافةً إلى استعراض أسباب انتشاره في هذا الزمن.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advic...

  • (العربية) ما هي أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية

    هذا الفيديو يتحدث عن أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية من حيث أنواعها وأخطارها وأسبابها وكيفية علاجها والوقاية منها.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your individual co...

  • كيف تعيد برمجة مخك للتفكير الإيجابي (العربية)

    1. فهم مفهوم البلاستيكية العصبية وتداعياتها على إعادة تشكيل أنماط الفكر.
    2. استكشاف الوعي الحاضر وتقنيات السلوك العقلي الاسترجاعي لتحدي المفكرات السلبية وتعزيز التفكير الإيجابي.
    3. دمج ممارسات الامتنان وتمارين التصور الإيجابي لتعزيز التفاؤل والصمود.