Candice is a certified health coach and personal trainer with over 15-year experience as a physical therapist and manipulative osteopath in France. Candice is specialized in stretching and mobility, osteopathic techniques and gut health. Her approach to health and wellness is holistic and tailored to each individual she takes care of. Her favorite mantra is "The secret of getting ahead is getting started" as it is never too late to start taking care of yourself. Your body and mind will thank you for it!
5 Min Stretching For Low Back Pain Relief
Try these stretching techniques designed to alleviate low back pain and enhance overall flexibility.
☑ Improved Mobility
☑ Reduced Tension
☑ Back Pain Relief✎ Learn The Facts: Stretching can help relieve low back pain by improving flexibility, increasing blood flow to the muscles, and reducing...
3 Min Understanding Low Back Pain
Gain an enhanced understanding of how daily actions can impact and cause lower back pain.
☑ Back & Spine Anatomy
☑ Symptom Awareness
☑ Preventative Strategies✎ Learn The Science: Keeping both feet flat on the ground while seated can help to reduce pressure on the back and shoulders, reducing ...
5 Min Hip Opening For Low Back Pain
Empower yourself with an effective stretching routine to self manage and soothe back pain.
☑ Reduced Discomfort
☑ Enhanced Hip Mobility
☑ Improved Lumbar Flexibility✎ Learn The Science: When hip muscles are tight or have excess pressure on them, they can pull the pelvis forward, increasing lo...
5 Min Back Strengthening
Learn effective back strengthening stretches for improved back strength, core strength, and stamina.
☑ Improved Core Strength
☑ Revitalized Back Health
☑ Increased Functional Movement✎ Learn The Science: Increasing back strength and flexibility can reduce risk of injuries, improve posture, and...
5 Min Mindful Movement For Spinal Health
Learn a gentle stretching routine to protect the spine and improve back mobility.
☑ Improved Mobility & Flexibility
☑ Boosted Spinal Health
☑ Increased Back Strength✎ Learn The Science: Stretching the spine allows for nutrients and oxygen to flow more efficiently around the spine, which helps ...
10 Min Neck Stretches For Tension Relief
Indulge in a blissful experience of profound tension relief by incorporating gentle neck stretches and mobility exercises into your routine. These soothing movements and stretches are specifically designed to target the muscles and joints in the neck area, promoting relaxation and alleviating bui...
10 Min Shoulder Stretches For Tension Relief
Learn how to prevent a rounded-shoulder posture and release upper thoracic tension with gentle mobilizations and stretches.
☑ Decreased Tension
☑ Improved Posture
☑ Revitalized Mobility☾ Best used in the afternoon or evening, especially after a long workday, cramped travels, or sitting for too...
Renforcement musculaire des jambes (Français)
Focus sur le renforcement musculaire des jambes qui jouent un role important dans la prévention des problèmes de dos.
Renforcement musculaire global (Français)
Réveillez les muscles essentiels de votre corps pour retrouver du tonus et vous protéger de douleurs chroniques classiques.
Renforcement abdominal protecteur (Français)
Gainage: focus sur votre diaphragme et votre plancher pelvien et abdominaux profonds pour aider votre corps à faire face aux différentes tâches physiques du quotidien.
Renforcement musculaire du haut du corps (Français)
Apprenons à donner à notre corps ce dont il a besoin. Notre organisme est une incroyable usine qui crée de l’énergie à partir des aliments que nous ingérons. Avec des gestes simples, aidons notre corps à fonctionner au mieux de ses capacités et à nous défendre des maladies pour vivre en meilleure...
Etirements bas du corps (Français)
Etirements des jambes: un must après de la marche ou du sport (course à pied, vélo etc...) ou si vous passez votre journée debout à piétiner ou assis à un bureau.
Comment bien s'assior (Français)
Etirements haut du corps (Français)
Une petite routine de mobilisations et étirements du haut du corps réalisable sur chaise pour lutter contre les répercussions des postures assises prolongées (surtout devant un ordinateur).
Soulagez vos douleurs de dos (Français)
Apprenez à soulager les tensions dans votre dos provoquées par de mauvaises positions au lit, assise ou debout grâce à cette routine d’étirements et de mobilisations, afin d’éviter d’en arriver à un blocage complet.