Learn the functions of the kidneys and how they impact the urinary system.
☑ Kidney Function Awareness
☑ Boosted Fluid Balance
☑ Improved Kidney Health
✎ Learn The Facts: Kidneys filter around 32 fluid ounces of blood and fluid each day.
*The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your individual conditions and circumstances. Your use of Caravan services is subject to additional terms and conditions.
Up Next in All Classes
3 Min Understanding Bladder Function
Gain insight into improving functionality and comfort for your bladder, urinary tract, and kidneys.
☑ Enhanced Bladder Control
☑ Improved Comfort
☑ Reduced Risk Of Infection✎ Learn The Facts: Adding lemons or limes to your diet can increase bladder and kidney health. The citric acid helps to p...
2 Min How Kidney Health Impacts Blood...
Learn about the connection between kidney and cardiovascular health, and how to improve them.
☑ Regulated Blood Pressure
☑ Improved Cardiovascular Health
☑ Daily Lifestyle Improvements✎ Learn The Science: Aldosterone is a hormone in the body that helps to regulate the balance of sodium and pot...
3 Min What Is A UTI?
Develop an understanding of urinary tract infections and ways to minimize your risk of contraction.
☑ Infection Complications & Awareness
☑ UTI Symptom Management
☑ Reduced Risk Of Infection✎ Learn The Facts: Urinating after sexual intercourse is another way to help reduce the risk of a UTI.