This simple restorative pose you can use at the end of the day to relax, rejuvenate, and relieve your bodily tension. Use this pose and breathing technique to widen your upper body and rid yourself of unwanted worries before bed to experience a tranquil rest.
☑ Improved Resilience
☑ Boosted Recovery
☑ Relaxed Muscles
☾ ☼ Best used when you are feeling drained, or whenever you have a 5 min break.
✎ Fun Fact: This practice encourages the parasympathetic nervous system's response, promoting a sense of calm and rejuvenation.
10 Min Sleep Better
Enjoy a soothing and meditative journey to sleep, allowing your mind and body to find tranquility and peace. Through guided relaxation techniques, you will learn to let go of outside worries and release the accumulated tension of the day.
☑ Improved Sleep Quality
☑ Boosted Relaxation and Calmnes... -
3 Min Calm Breath
Use this breathing technique whenever you find yourself going nonstop - take a second to calm down and bring your energy way down. At home, light a candle, break out your go to essential oil, close the blinds, and remind yourself you're taking a moment for you. Relax into a healthier, stronger yo...
3 Min Ocean Breath
Ocean breath, also called Ujjayi breath, is a great breathing technique to calm the mind, release stress and warm the body.
☑ Calmed Mind
☑ Restored Balance
☑ Recharged Motivation☾ ☼ Ideal for anytime you are feeling drained, or whenever you have a 3 min break.
✎ Learn the Science: A study de...