Ease into a restful night's sleep with this evening practice designed to help you transition from your daily activities and enter a state of relaxation. Allow yourself to let go of the day and prepare for a peaceful night of rest.
☑ Relaxed Mind
☑ Reduced Tension
☑ Revitalized Peace
☾ ☼ Best used as an evening practice, or whenever you have a 10 min break.
✎ Learn The Science: Engaging in relaxing activities during the evening can potentially lead to improved sleep onset, meaning you fall asleep more easily when you go to bed.
10 Min Release Tension
Experience an anxiety fighting practice with Christina as she demonstrates how to release tension, find balance, and broaden your awareness through yoga. Integrate these preventative practices into your daily routine as you focus on relieving your anxiety.
☑ Decreased Tension
☑ Revitalized Awar... -
10 Min Yoga Hip Openers
Stretch and engage your arms, abs, legs, and hips through this relaxing, flexibility-enhancing exercise. Focusing on opening your hips brings greater support for your back and spine muscles, and helps better align the body’s joints.
☑ Improved Hip Strength
☑ Increased Mood
☑ Revitalized Flexibil... -
10 Min Grounding Postures
Unwind at the end of the day, calm the mind, and rest your body with this relaxing, restful anxiety-melting exercise. This class will leave you feeling calmer and more refreshed than ever.
☑ Decreased Anxiety
☑ Revitalized Awareness
☑ Calm Mind☾ Best used in the evening, when you are feeling ...