Pigeon pose (Kapotasana) stimulates the abdominal organs, which aids with digestion. Pigeon pose stretches your hips, gluteus minimus and maximus, and relaxes the psoas muscles. Pigeon is the perfect way to wind down after your yoga practice.
☑ Improved Flexibility
☑ Increased Range of Motion
☑ Boosted Recovery
☾ ☼ Best used if you want to cool down from a workout, or anytime you have a 5 min break.
✎ Learn the Science: Pigeon pose targets the deep external rotator muscles of the hip, which can help alleviate tightness and promote overall hip joint health.
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3 Min Chaturanga
Perfect your chaturanga. Chaturanga strengthens the arms, core, and lower back, as well as muscles around the spine which helps to improve posture. Chaturanga is the building block for balancing yoga poses and inversions.
☑ Stronger Core
☑ Improved Posture
☑ Increased Stability☾ ☼ Best used an...
3 Min Bridge Pose
Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) calms the brain to alleviate depression and anxiety. This can also improve digestion and relive menopause symptoms/mensural discomfort.
☑ Revitalized Mood
☑ Digestive Relief
☑ Decreased Anxiety☾ ☼ Best used when you are feeling sad, stressed, or discomfor...
3 Min Camel Pose
Camel pose (Ustrasana) opens the chest which improves respiration, and loosens the vertebrae to relieve lower back pain.
☑ Improved Respiration
☑ Reduced Low Back Pain
☑ Decreased Tension☾ ☼ Best used when you are feeling stiff, or anytime you have a 3 min break.
✎ Learn the Science: Camel po...