Learn the power of positive self talk to help boost confidence and stay strong through hard times.
☑ Increased Emotional Resilience
☑ Mindful Self Talk Techniques
☑ Boosted Self-Empowerment
✎ Learn The Facts: Limiting your exposure to negativity can increase positive self talk. Spend time with loved ones who make you feel loved and valued, participate in self care activities, and try to reduce time around negative or toxic individuals.
Up Next in All Classes
3 Min Accepting & Owning Compliments
Learn techniques to take ownership of compliments you receive and speak positively about yourself.
☑ Reduced Self Judgment
☑ Boosted Self Esteem
☑ Relationship Building✎ Fun Fact: When accepting a compliment, try and avoid saying the word "but". “But" can erase the positive impact and power of...
5 Min How Volunteering Elevates Wellb...
Experience the positive benefits that volunteering has on our physical and mental health.
☑ Increased Positive Impact
☑ Renewed Purpose
☑ Sense Of Community✎ Learn the Facts: Through looking at levels of hormones in the brain, researchers have found that volunteering can enhance our mental hap...
5 Min Discovering Your Passion In Vol...
Consider volunteering to guide you in uncovering your passions and interests.
☑ Evolved Passions
☑ Open-Minded Approach
☑ Enhanced Self Discovery✎ Learn the Facts: Some of the top volunteering causes in the United States are hunger and homelessness, health and wellness, faith and spirituality,...