Learn techniques to take ownership of compliments you receive and speak positively about yourself.
☑ Reduced Self Judgment
☑ Boosted Self Esteem
☑ Relationship Building
✎ Fun Fact: When accepting a compliment, try and avoid saying the word "but". “But" can erase the positive impact and power of a compliment.
Up Next in All Classes
5 Min How Volunteering Elevates Wellb...
Experience the positive benefits that volunteering has on our physical and mental health.
☑ Increased Positive Impact
☑ Renewed Purpose
☑ Sense Of Community✎ Learn the Facts: Through looking at levels of hormones in the brain, researchers have found that volunteering can enhance our mental hap...
5 Min Discovering Your Passion In Vol...
Consider volunteering to guide you in uncovering your passions and interests.
☑ Evolved Passions
☑ Open-Minded Approach
☑ Enhanced Self Discovery✎ Learn the Facts: Some of the top volunteering causes in the United States are hunger and homelessness, health and wellness, faith and spirituality,...
5 Min Integrating Volunteering With D...
Learn time management skills to help increase your volunteering and service based efforts.
☑ Small Acts Of Kindness
☑ Service Oriented Mindset
☑ Meaningful Contributions✎ Fun Fact: Other methods of volunteering and doing good that may be easier to fit into a busy schedule include donating bloo...