Wellness with Kristen

Wellness with Kristen

Join Human Resources Director, Kristen, as she walks you through her personal wellness journey, professional HR experiences, and favorite Caravan classes! Read more about Kristen and how she approaches mindfulness in her daily routine: https://caravanwellness.com/kristens-journey-to-mindfulness/

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Wellness with Kristen
  • 10 Min Breathing Meditation

    Deepen your breath while you notice and recognize sensations in your body and mind. Deep breathing increases oxygen flow to the brain, stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system which calms and relaxes the entire body and mind.

    ☑ Improved Tranquility
    ☑ Increased Focus
    ☑ Revitalized Clarity

  • 10 Min Sleep Better

    Enjoy a soothing and meditative journey to sleep, allowing your mind and body to find tranquility and peace. Through guided relaxation techniques, you will learn to let go of outside worries and release the accumulated tension of the day.

    ☑ Improved Sleep Quality
    ☑ Boosted Relaxation and Calmnes...

  • 10 Min Evening Unwind

    Ease into a restful night's sleep with this evening practice designed to help you transition from your daily activities and enter a state of relaxation. Allow yourself to let go of the day and prepare for a peaceful night of rest.

    ☑ Relaxed Mind
    ☑ Reduced Tension
    ☑ Revitalized Peace

    ☾ ☼ Best us...

  • 5 Min Morning Meditation For Clarity

    Learn how to utilize your inner strength to approach your days with clarity and feel at your best. See the glass half full as you begin your day with an open mind and an open heart, and shift your mood to find clarity within yourself.

    ☑ Released Stress
    ☑ Enhanced Clarity
    ☑ Improved Mood

    ☾ ☼ Id...

  • 3 Min Waking Up Happy

    Studies show that when you begin your day in a positive mood, it increases your chances of remaining happy as the day progresses. Wake up happy with Caravan.

    ☑ Improved Mood
    ☑ Increased Happiness
    ☑ Enhanced Outlook

    ☼ Best used in the morning, or anytime you have a 3 minute break.

    ✎ Learn The ...

  • 3 Min Tapping Trick

    Tap away at any time of the day! Whether you want to feel energized for the day or more calm for night, tapping will help you regulate your nervous system and your brain.

    ☑ Improved Energy
    ☑ Enhanced Nervous System Function
    ☑ Increased Calm

    ☾ ☼ Best used if you're feeling anxious, or anytime y...

  • 3 Min Conflict Management

    Discover strategies on conflict management- how to identify the problem, when to walk away and how to manage conflicts through active listening.

    ☑ Healthier Disputes
    ☑ Improved Relationships
    ☑ Decreased Tension

    ☾ ☼ Best when you're feeling conflicted or angry, or whenever you have a 3 minute br...

  • 10 Min Release Tension

    Experience an anxiety fighting practice with Christina as she demonstrates how to release tension, find balance, and broaden your awareness through yoga. Integrate these preventative practices into your daily routine as you focus on relieving your anxiety.

    ☑ Decreased Tension
    ☑ Revitalized Awar...

  • 10 Min Seated Yoga For Relaxation & Stress Relief

    Take a moment and just relax.

    ☑ Increased Relaxation
    ☑ Better Flexibility
    ☑ Decreased Tension

    ☾ ☼ Best used at work, after long periods of sitting, or anytime you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Seated yoga proved effective in enhancing physical function and promoting relaxation in ...

  • 5 Min Alternate Nostril Breathing

    Experience a journey of breath and relaxation with this practice that guides you through three different breathwork techniques. This exercise will help quiet the mind, reduce stress and fatigue, and leave you with a feeling of deep relaxation.

    ☑ Restored Calm
    ☑ Reduced Stress
    ☑ Improved Relaxati...