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Live Well at Jolie

5 Min Music For Loneliness Relief

7m 16s
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10 Min Sound Healing For Relaxation

Attain a state of heightened mindfulness and tranquility with this soothing sound healing session, designed to help release tension and leave you feeling calm and relaxed.

☑ Improved Sleep Quality
☑ Heightened Relaxation
☑ Reduced Insomnia

☼ ☾ Best used right before bed, or during a stressful m...

20 Min Sound Healing For Sleep

By immersing yourself in the gentle and harmonious tones, vibrations, and frequencies of carefully selected sounds, you can create a serene and tranquil atmosphere conducive to letting go of the day's stress and tension. Allow the therapeutic sounds to wash over you, promoting a sense of calmness...

15 Min Strength Movement- Upper Body

Add these strengthening exercises to your daily routine to help improve your upper body.

☑ Enhanced Strength
☑ Rejuvenated Shoulder Mobility
☑ Decreased Tension

☾ ☼ Best used in the morning or evening, or anytime you have a 15 min break.

✎ Learn the Science: Additionally, upper body strength i...