For Stress

For Stress

6 Seasons
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For Stress
  • 5 Min Meditation For Anxiety (Tapping)

    Episode 1

    Through gentle tapping on specific acupressure points while following the soothing guidance of the meditation, you can release tension, reduce anxiety, and promote a sense of calm within your body and mind. This concise yet impactful practice allows you to efficiently integrate tapping into your ...

  • 5 Min Meditation For Stress Relief

    Episode 2

    This practice offers a structured breathing technique that involves inhaling, holding the breath, exhaling, and pausing before repeating, promoting deep relaxation and a sense of mental clarity. By engaging in box breathing, you create a rhythm that harmonizes your body and mind, allowing stress ...

  • 5 Min Meditation For New Beginnings

    Episode 3

    Create space for renewal with this practice that is perfect for embracing new opportunities and beginnings.

    ☑ Improved Confidence
    ☑ Enhanced Self-Awareness
    ☑ Increased Productivity

    ✎ Pro Tip: Focus on cultivating a mindset of openness and acceptance, allowing yourself to release the past and em...

  • 5 Min Meditation For The Present Moment

    Episode 4

    Learn how to anchor yourself in the now and develop a deeper sense of awareness.

    ☑ Mindfulness Enhancement
    ☑ Increased Self-Awareness
    ☑ Reduced Mental Distractions

    ✎ Pro Tip: Training your mind to stay present can reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Practicing daily mindfulness medita...

  • 5 Min Exhale Focused Breath

    Episode 5

    Use this exhale-focused interrupted breathing technique to release tension and clear your mind. By approaching breathing with a more mindful perspective, you will notice a positive shift in your energy levels and an increased sense of calm and clarity.

    ☑ Revitalized Breath
    ☑ Increased Calm Energ...

  • 5 Min Mindful Journaling For Better Sleep

    Episode 6

    Experience improved sleep with mindful journaling, as it helps declutter your mind, release worries, and foster a sense of calm before bedtime.

    ☑ Deeper Sleep
    ☑ Restored Calmness
    ☑ Revitalized Clarity

    ☾ Best used within the hour before bed.

    ✎ Learn The Science: Scientific studies have reveal...

  • 5 Min Breathing For Deep Relaxation

    Episode 7

    Experience a calming breathing practice designed to release tension and promote deep relaxation.

    ☑ Improved Stress Management
    ☑ Reduced Stress & Anxiety
    ☑ Improved Inner Peace

    ✎ Learn The Facts: Deep breathing helps to calm us down by lowering the heart rate and blood pressure, easing muscle t...

  • 5 Min Meditation For Gratitude

    Episode 8

    By cultivating gratitude, you tap into the power of acknowledging and appreciating the blessings and abundance present in your life, no matter how small. Embrace the understanding that you hold the power to shape your own reality and create a harmonious and fulfilling existence, rejoicing in the ...

  • 10 Min Gratitude For The Journey

    Episode 9

    Participate in a grounding meditation to practice gratitude and mindfulness.

    ☑ Gratitude Techniques
    ☑ Enhanced Mindful Thinking
    ☑ Increased Inner Peace

    ✎ Learn The Science: Participating in gratitude techniques can enhance brain health and regulation by reducing anxiety and fear through stress...

  • 5 Min Reflection On Life's Journey Meditation

    Episode 10

    Participate in a calming meditation to reflect on your life’s journey without self judgment.

    ☑ Enhanced Self-Acceptance
    ☑ Boosted Confidence
    ☑ Daily Mindfulness Skills

    ✎ Fun Fact: Other ways to reflect on your life's journey are journaling, practicing gratitude, reflecting with loved ones, and ...

  • 5 Min Meditation For Cultivating Patience

    Episode 11

    Strengthen your ability to remain calm, composed, and understanding in any situation.

    ☑ Increased Emotional Resilience
    ☑ Greater Self-Control
    ☑ Reduced Frustration

    ✎ Learn The Facts: Research shows that meditation can increase the brain’s gray matter in areas responsible for patience and emotio...

  • 5 Min Meditation To Shift From Reacting To Responding

    Episode 12

    Train your mind to pause, reflect, and respond thoughtfully rather than reacting impulsively.

    ☑ Improved Emotional Intelligence
    ☑ Enhanced Self-Control
    ☑ Strengthened Relationships

    ✎ Pro Tip: Reacting is instinctual, but responding is intentional. Meditation helps you pause, reflect, and make m...

  • 20 Min Calming Meditation

    Episode 13

    Channel your inner calming light with this meditation designed to reduce stress and foster peace.

    ☑ Improved Mood
    ☑ Reduced Stress
    ☑ Increased Inner Peace

    ✎ Learn The Science: Research indicates that even brief daily meditation sessions can lead to measurable improvements in emotional regulatio...

  • 5 Min Breathing For Calm, Inner Peace & Stress Relief

    Episode 14

    Discover a powerful technique to regain control over anxiety by harnessing the power of your breath. With this exercise, you can tap into the innate resource of your breath to cultivate a profound sense of inner peace that extends throughout your day.

    ☑ Heightened Awareness
    ☑ Reduced Stress
    ☑ R...

  • 5 Min Alternate Nostril Breathing

    Episode 15

    Experience a journey of breath and relaxation with this practice that guides you through three different breathwork techniques. This exercise will help quiet the mind, reduce stress and fatigue, and leave you with a feeling of deep relaxation.

    ☑ Restored Calm
    ☑ Reduced Stress
    ☑ Improved Relaxati...

  • 3 Min Calm Breath

    Episode 16

    Use this breathing technique whenever you find yourself going nonstop - take a second to calm down and bring your energy way down. At home, light a candle, break out your go to essential oil, close the blinds, and remind yourself you're taking a moment for you. Relax into a healthier, stronger yo...

  • 3 Min Color Breathing

    Episode 17

    Try this fun exercise that will get the negative energy out and the positive in. Help clear your mind and enjoy a moment with yourself using a color visualization technique.

    ☑ Improved Awareness
    ☑ Enhanced Balance
    ☑ Increased Visualization

    ☾ ☼ Best used if you're feeling stressed, or anytime yo...

  • 10 Min Recharging Meditation For Energy

    Episode 18

    Energize your mind and body with this revitalizing visualization meditation.

    ☑ Enhanced Energy
    ☑ Improved Mood
    ☑ Boosted Clarity

    ✎ Fun Fact: Adding visualization into your meditation practice allows you to direct your mind towards a series of favorable outcomes, while relaxing with confidence.

  • 5 Min Meditation For Empowerment

    Episode 19

    Discover a reservoir of inner strength and confidence with this meditation.

    ☑ Improved Confidence
    ☑ Increased Mental Strength
    ☑ Better Productivity

    ✎ Pro Tip: In your meditation for empowerment, focus on cultivating a positive and empowering internal dialogue by consciously replacing self-limit...

  • 5 Min Meditation For Anxiety

    Episode 20

    Learn coping mechanisms to help reduce anxiety and to comfort and ground yourself in times of stress.

    ☑ Self-Soothing Techniques
    ☑ Reduced Worry & Fear
    ☑ Grounding Techniques

    ✎ Learn The Facts: A grounding technique that can be used in times of anxiety is the 5-4-3-2-1 method. It involves ident...

  • 5 Min Meditation For Optimism

    Episode 21

    Start your day with this powerful meditation to cultivate optimism.

    ☑ Positive Affirmations
    ☑ Enhanced Happiness
    ☑ Reduced Negativity

    ✎ Learn The Facts: Saying positive affirmations to yourself while looking in the mirror can be a powerful tool to promoting optimism and self love.

  • 5 Min Meditation For Frustration

    Episode 22

    Learn methods of non-attachment when experiencing frustration, and making room for happiness.

    ☑ Frustration & Stress Release
    ☑ Increased Coping Mechanisms
    ☑ Released Tension

    ✎ Pro Tip: Another method to help yourself when dealing with feelings of frustration and anger can be through moving you...

  • 10 Min Meditation For Joy & Happiness

    Episode 23

    Use this meditation to reflect on joyous moments in life.

    ☑ Improved Happiness
    ☑ Reduced Stress
    ☑ Boosted Mindfulness

    ✎ Pro Tip: By dedicating time to care for your mind and embracing the concept of happiness and joyous moments, you can reduce feelings of being overwhelmed and burdened by anxie...

  • 10 Min Meditation For Depression

    Episode 24

    Support yourself with this gentle mindful meditation for depression.

    ☑ Visualization Techniques
    ☑ Restored Emotional Balance
    ☑ Increased Inner Peace

    ✎ Learn The Facts: When experiencing depression, supporting your body can increase happiness. This can be anything from holding a pillow or plush ...