Improve your leg day performance with these safe and simple practices.
☑ Boosted Leg Strength
☑ Advanced Training Methods
☑ Safe Workout Methods
✎ Pro Tip: Be sure to properly warm up and cool down before and after your workout. Doing static stretches helps to strengthen your leg and foot muscles, and prevent injuries such as plantar fasciitis.
Up Next in Risk Reduction
1 Min How To Run Faster
Improve your workout routine with tips to run faster and stronger.
☑ Enhanced Energy
☑ Improved Training Routines
☑ Increased Strength & Stamina✎ Pro Tip: Breathing techniques are another beneficial way to improve your running speed and endurance. Practice diaphragmatic breathing by inhaling d...
30 Min Seated Movement For Sleep
Promote restful sleep and unwind your mind and body with gentle seated movements.
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☑ Low Impact Movement
☑ Reduced Tension✎ Fun Fact: Moderate aerobic exercise increases the amount of slow wave sleep you get. Slow wave sleep refers to deep sleep, where the brain and bod...
3 Min Somatic Movement For Joy
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