Discover how to make healthier choices by understanding and navigating processed foods, including identifying better options and reading labels effectively.
☑ Minimally Processed Diet
☑ Nutrient Dense Approach
☑ On-The-Go Options
✎ Learn The Science: Canned beans are another nutritious and low-effort processed food option. They are high in protein, and 40% of sodium content can be removed by rinsing under water before cooking.
*The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your individual conditions and circumstances. Your use of Caravan services is subject to additional terms and conditions.
Up Next in Risk Reduction
3 Min Cooking With Healthy Oils
Learn about the various types of cooking oils along with their benefits, smoke points, and uses.
☑ Nutrient Preservation
☑ Smoke Point Awareness
☑ Improved Cooking Skills✎ Learn The Science: Cooking certain foods in oils can help the body absorb and retain certain nutrients better than if prep...
2 Min Omega 3, 6, & 9 Fats
Discover the benefits and sources of omega 3, 6, and 9 fats to enhance your diet and overall health.
☑ Anti-Inflammatory Diet
☑ Improved Heart Health
☑ Enhanced Cognition✎ Learn The Science: Studies show that consuming omega 3 fats have benefits for skin and hair health. Omega 3 fats can reduc...
3 Min The Role Of Fats For Health
Gain an understanding of the various kinds of fats found in your diet and their benefits to health.
☑ Balanced Fat Consumption
☑ Heart-Healthy Diet
☑ Chronic Disease Prevention✎ Learn The Science: 60% of the human brain is made up of fat. This makes healthy fat intake crucial to promote health...