Learn how to cultivate self-love.
☑ Improved Self-Compassion
☑ Revitalized Sense of Self
☑ Improved Confidence
☾☼ Best used before going on a date, or anytime you have a 10 min break.
✎ Learn the Science: Self-love fosters open and honest communication in relationships. Individuals who have a strong sense of self-love are more likely to express their needs, desires, and feelings effectively, fostering deeper connection and intimacy with their partners.
Up Next in All Classes
10 Min On & After The Date
Learn how to incorporate mindfulness into your dating life.
☑ Improved Intention
☑ Revitalized Mindset
☑ Improved Confidence☾☼ Best used before going on a date, after the date, or anytime you have a 10 min break.
✎ Learn the Science: Recognizing that finding the right partner takes time and t...
Morgenroutine: Gut in den Tag starten...
Startet euren Tag mit diesen energetisierenden Übungen und bereitet euch von der ersten Minute auf Erfolg vor!
Wie beende ich den Tag mit einem Knal...
Stellt mit dieser selbstreflektierenden Meditation sicher, dass ihr eure sachliche sowie spirituelle Langzeitziele erreicht!