15 Min Strength Movement- Core
Movement for Strength: 15 Min
Strengthen your abs with this easy sequence of exercises.
☑ Stronger Core
☑ Rejuvenated Posture
☑ Improved Stability
☾ ☼ Best used in the morning or evening, or anytime you have a 15 min break.
✎ Learn the Science: Core strength has been linked to better posture, reduced risk of lower back pain, and improved stability during movements and exercises. The core muscles provide a strong foundation for the body, supporting proper alignment and efficient movement patterns.
Up Next in Movement for Strength: 15 Min
15 Min Strength Movement- Glutes
Follow these simple steps to strengthen your glutes and improve stability.
☑ Stronger Glutes
☑ Rejuvenated Back
☑ Improved Stability☾ ☼ Best used in the morning or evening, or anytime you have a 15 min break.
✎ Learn the Science: Strong glutes contribute to power generation, hip stability, a...