Medical Education

Medical Education

24 Seasons

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Medical Education
  • 5 Min Alzheimer’s Disease & How To Lower Your Risk

    Episode 1

    Explore proactive strategies to lower your risk of Alzheimer's disease and promote brain health for a vibrant future.

    Definitions To Know:
    ⚕ Dementia- a term used to describe memory, thinking, and social impairments and abilities
    ⚕ Mild Cognitive Impairment- a condition where people have more me...

  • 5 Min High Blood Pressure & How To Prevent It

    Episode 2

    Learn how to prevent high blood pressure and safeguard your heart health.

    Definitions To Know:
    ⚕ Endothelium- the layer of tissue that lines blood vessels
    ⚕ Peripheral Vascular Disease- a circulatory condition that causes narrowed blood vessels and therefore reduced blood flow to limbs
    ⚕ Sleep ...

  • 5 Min Tobacco & Its Health Risks

    Episode 3

    Explore the significant health risks associated with tobacco use and discover strategies for a smoke-free, healthier life.

    Definitions To Know:
    ⚕ Emphysema- a lung condition where the air sacs (alveoli) are damaged
    ⚕ COPD- a group of lung diseases that block airflow and make breathing difficult

  • 5 Min Breast Cancer & How To Prevent It

    Episode 4

    Empower yourself with knowledge about breast cancer prevention and early detection for a healthier future.

    Definitions To Know:
    ⚕ Mammogram- a diagnostic x-ray of the breast
    ⚕ Phytonutrient- compounds produced by plants that provide health benefits
    ⚕ Melatonin- a natural hormone that helps regul...

  • 5 Min Cancer & How To Cope With It

    Episode 5

    Discover effective coping strategies and emotional support for navigating the challenges of a cancer diagnosis and treatment journey.

    Definitions To Know:
    ⚕ Chemotherapy- a drug treatment often used to mitigate fast-growing cancer

    ☑ Improved Resilience
    ☑ Enhanced Coping Strategies
    ☑ Reduced St...

  • 5 Min Suicide Prevention

    Episode 6

    Learn critical strategies and resources for suicide prevention, fostering hope and support for individuals in crisis. If you or someone you know is in crisis, call 988, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline in the US.

    ☑ Improved Life-saving Knowledge
    ☑ Enhanced Advocacy
    ☑ Reduced Stigma

    ✎ Le...

  • 5 Min Depression & How To Mitigate It

    Episode 7

    Explore effective strategies to mitigate depression and nurture your mental wellbeing for a happier, healthier life.

    Definitions To Know:
    ⚕ Anhedonia- the inability to feel pleasure
    ⚕ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy- a form of psycho-therapy that involves talking with a professional therapist or co...

  • 5 Min Menopause & What Are The Symptoms

    Episode 8

    Explore the various symptoms of menopause and gain insights into managing this transformative stage of life with confidence.

    Definitions To Know:
    ⚕ Vasomotor Symptoms- hot flashes and night sweats commonly associated with menopause

    ☑ Symptom Awareness
    ☑ Increased Menopause Management
    ☑ Increas...

  • 5 Min Infertility & How To Improve Fertility

    Episode 9

    Discover insights and strategies to improve fertility and increase your chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.

    Definitions To Know:
    ⚕ Reproductive Endocrinologist- medical doctor who specialize in diagnosing and treating infertility
    ⚕ Endometriosis- a disorder which causes abnormal endomet...

  • 5 Min Autoimmune Disease: How To Improve It

    Episode 10

    Discover effective strategies for improving autoimmune conditions and enhancing your overall wellbeing.

    Definitions To Know:
    ⚕ Inflammatory Bowel Disease- a term that encompasses two gut inflammatory diseases, Chron's disease and ulcerative colitis
    ⚕ Rheumatoid Arthritis- a chronic inflammatory ...

  • 5 Min How To Wash Your Hands

    Episode 11

    In this how-to video, Caravan teacher Jessica discusses the importance of hand hygiene and how to properly wash your hands for infection control.

    ☑ Stronger Immune System
    ☑ Enhanced Cleanliness
    ☑ Better Infection Control

    ☾ ☼ Best used whenever you are exposed to pathogens, or whenever you have...

  • 10 Min Sleep Hygiene

    Episode 12

    In this video, Caravan teacher Jessica discusses the basics of sleep hygiene and shares practices that can help promote restful sleep.

    ☑ Deeper Sleep
    ☑ Enhanced Sleep Quality
    ☑ Better Nighttime Routines

    ☾ Best used when you are looking to improve your sleep routine, or within the hour before s...

  • 5 Min Scalp Massage

    Episode 13

    Learn how different lifestyle and product choices affect your hair in this simple, yet informative program about hair health. Discover the benefits of healthy hair and learn how you can be aware of your scalp health.

    ☑ Improved Scalp Circulation
    ☑ Stronger Hair
    ☑ Healthier Appearance

    ☾ ☼ Best...

  • 5 Min Stress Vs. Hair Health

    Episode 14

    Learn how different lifestyle choices affect your hair in this simple, yet informative program about hair health. Discover the benefits of healthy hair and learn how you can benefit from staying aware of the health of your hair.

    ☑ Improved Lifestyle
    ☑ Stronger Hair
    ☑ Healthier Appearance

    ☾ ☼ ...

  • 5 Min Toxic Ingredients In Hair Products

    Episode 15

    Learn how different lifestyle and product choices affect your hair in this simple, yet informative program about hair health. Discover the benefits of healthy hair and learn how you can benefit from staying aware of the health of your hair.

    ☑ Improved Hair Health
    ☑ Stronger Hair
    ☑ Healthier Ing...

  • (العربية) الضغط العصبي

    Episode 16

    يستعرض هذا الفيديو موضوع الضغط العصبي المرضي، يشرح كيفية التعرف عليه وأسبابه، ويوضح الفرق بينه وبين الضغط العصبي الطبيعي الذي نحتاجه.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based...

  • (العربية) أنواع الاضطرابات النفسية

    Episode 17

    هذا الفيديو يتحدث عن أنواع الأمراض النفسية، وكيفية تشخيصها والتعرف عليها، وعلاجها من قبل المتخصصين، بالإضافة إلى التشابك والتداخل بينا.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice bas...

  • (العربية) ما هو القلق

    Episode 18

    يستعرض هذا الفيديو موضوع القلق المرضي، ويوضح كيفية التمييز بينه وبين القلق العادي، ويشرح أسبابه وأعراضه، وكيفية علاجه.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your indivi...

  • (العربية) الاكتئاب وكيفية التخفيف منه

    Episode 19

    يتناول هذا الفيديو موضوع الاكتئاب، مع التطرق إلى أسبابه ومخاطره، ويشرح كيفية التشخيص والعلاج، إضافةً إلى استعراض أسباب انتشاره في هذا الزمن.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advic...

  • (العربية) نظام النوم الصحي

    Episode 20

    هذا الفيديو يتحدث عن النوم وأمراضه، وما يتعلق بالنوم الصحي، وكيفية تحقيقه، وما هي معوقاته.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your individual conditions and circumst...

  • (العربية) ما هي السمنة وكيفية الوقاية منها

    Episode 21

    يستعرض هذا الفيديو موضوع السمنة، يشرح كيفية قياسها وأخطارها، ويبين كيفية التخلص منها وعلاجها.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your individual conditions and circu...

  • (العربية) ما هو مرض السكري وكيفية الحد من المخاطر

    Episode 22

    يتناول هذا الفيديو موضوع مرض السكري، يشرح أنواعه وأعراضه ومضاعفاته، وكيفية علاجه.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your individual conditions and circumstances. Yo...

  • (العربية) ما هي أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية

    Episode 23

    هذا الفيديو يتحدث عن أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية من حيث أنواعها وأخطارها وأسبابها وكيفية علاجها والوقاية منها.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your individual co...

  • (العربية) العقم وكيفية تحسين الخصوبة

    Episode 24

    يستعرض هذا الفيديو موضوع العقم، حيث يتناول أسبابه لدى الرجل والمرأة، ويشرح كيفية اكتشافه والعلاج المتاح، بالإضافة إلى استعراض كيفية تعزيز الخصوبة.

    *The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical...