These amazing tips will help you really stop and notice how you feel mentally and physically when you're experiencing an emotion. This helps you understand yourself better and know what steps to take to be OK.
☑ Improved Emotional Regulation
☑ Healthier Mindset
☑ Stimulated Reflection
☾ ☼ Best used when you are feeling emotionally overwhelmed, or whenever you have a 5 min break.
✎ Pro Tip: Effective emotional regulation is associated with healthier and more satisfying interpersonal relationships. People who can manage their emotions are better equipped to communicate, empathize, and resolve conflicts in their relationships.
Up Next in May Program
5 Min Spectrum Of Thoughts
Climb your way through the ladder of emotions and train in the skill of happiness for a better you.
☑ Improved Mindset
☑ Increased Positive Thinking
☑ Enhanced Outlook☾ ☼ Best used if you are feeling overwhelmed with emotion, or anytime you have a 5 minute break.
✎ Learn The Science: Develop...
3 Min Building Resilience
Learn strategies and techniques for developing the ability to bounce back from adversity and handle stress in a healthy and productive way.
☑ Elevated Confidence
☑ Improved Cognitive Strength
☑ Revitalized Passion☾ ☼ Best when you're feeling let down, or whenever you have a 3 minute break.
5 Min Supporting Your Child's Mental ...
Follow along with Caravan Teacher Julika as she discusses why and what you can do to support your child's mental health.
☑ Improved Communication
☑ Enhanced Parent-Child Relationship
☑ Revitalized Trust☾ ☼ Best used when you are searching for gentle parenting tips, as a caregiver, parent, gran...