Learn tips to promote healthy and comfortable eyesight with aging.
☑ Increased Visual Comfort
☑ Eyesight Aging Awareness
☑ Symptom Understanding
✎ Learn The Science: A research study from Therapeutic Advances in Ophthalmology found participants who participated in 150 minutes of activity a week had a 50% lower risk of glaucoma than those who did not participate in any exercises.
*The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your individual conditions and circumstances. Your use of Caravan services is subject to additional terms and conditions.
Up Next in Health Education
5 Min Understanding Erectile Dysfunction
Empower yourself by learning about causes and treatment methods for erectile dysfunction.
☑ Regained Confidence
☑ Improved Relationships
☑ Enhanced Sexual Wellness✎ Learn The Facts: Erectile dysfunction is a common condition, yet many individuals avoid seeking help due to feelings of embarrass...
3 Min Risk Factors & Prevention Strat...
Gain an understanding of the common ways that COPD is developed.
☑ COPD Risk Reduction
☑ Lung Protection Strategies
☑ COPD Awareness✎ Learn The Facts: Making regular meals a habit is a powerful technique in building and maintaining a good relationship with food. Nutrients promote our bodies' ...
3 Min Prostate Cancer
Gain awareness of symptoms of prostate cancer and early prevention methods.
☑ Prostate Cancer Symptom Awareness
☑ Healthy PSA Levels
☑ Early Intervention Skills✎ Learn The Facts: Statistics show that men with close relatives such as fathers, sons, and brothers who have prostate cancer, are twi...