3 Min Understanding Bladder Function
Dr. Cherilyn
2m 53s
Gain insight into improving functionality and comfort for your bladder, urinary tract, and kidneys.
☑ Enhanced Bladder Control
☑ Improved Comfort
☑ Reduced Risk Of Infection
✎ Learn The Facts: Adding lemons or limes to your diet can increase bladder and kidney health. The citric acid helps to prevent kidney stones, and can help to relax the bladder. Lemon and lime juice can be introduced into the diet by adding them in tea, salad dressings, drinking water, and more.
*The program is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your individual conditions and circumstances. Your use of Caravan services is subject to additional terms and conditions.
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☑ UTI Symptom Management
☑ Reduced Risk Of Infection✎ Learn The Facts: Urinating after sexual intercourse is another way to help reduce the risk of a UTI.
2 Min How Diet Impacts Urinary Health
Learn how to improve urinary and kidney health through intentional dietary choices.
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☑ Improved Dietary Choices
☑ Disease Risk Reduction✎ Learn The Facts: Research shows that pears, bananas, lean proteins, nuts, green beans, and squash, can increase bladder health and c...