Join Lindsey as she power poses her way to confidence. By using this physical affirmation, take your attitude and wellness into your own hands. Before any circumstance which would otherwise produce feelings of anxiety or stress, prepare your body and mind to overcome doubt. Open yourself up, claim your space, be powerful, and strike a pose.
☑ Improved Attitude
☑ Stronger Mind
☑ Boosted Confidence
☾ ☼ Best used before a presentation, meeting, or anytime you have a 3 minute break.
✎ Learn the Science: Power posing, a concept popularized by social psychologist Dr. Amy Cuddy, refers to adopting expansive, open, and confident body postures as a way to boost feelings of power and confidence.
Up Next in Self Management
5 Min Meditation For Body Positivity
Use this gentle meditation to promote body positivity and self love.
☑ Boosted Self Love
☑ Positive Affirmation Techniques
☑ Increased Coping Techniques✎ Learn The Facts: Other practices that you can include in your daily life to promote body positivity include surrounding yourself with loved ...
3 Min Accepting & Owning Compliments
Learn techniques to take ownership of compliments you receive and speak positively about yourself.
☑ Reduced Self Judgment
☑ Boosted Self Esteem
☑ Relationship Building✎ Fun Fact: When accepting a compliment, try and avoid saying the word "but". “But" can erase the positive impact and power of...
2 Min Emergency Positivity: Deep Brea...
Participate in a calming breathing exercise to reduce stress in the moment.
☑ Enhanced Inner Peace
☑ Reduced Anxiety
☑ Daily Mindfulness Techniques✎ Learn The Facts: Deep breathing offers a multitude of benefits. It helps to promote relaxation, increasing oxygen flow in the blood, reducing blo...