Up Next in Understanding Digestive Disorders
2 Min Children's Health: Celiac Disease
Gain an understanding of celiac disease, including symptoms, causes, and dietary management.
☑ Disease Progression
☑ Symptom Awareness
☑ Gluten-Free Diet Management✎ Learn The Facts: Celiac disease affects about 1% of the global population, but many individuals remain undiagnosed due to its wi...
3 Min What Is Cholesterol?
Discover how maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol can improve heart health and function.
☑ Balanced Cholesterol Levels
☑ Improved Heart Health
☑ Reduced Disease Risk✎ Learn The Facts: Around age 40 is when adults should increase the frequency of cholesterol checks. Children should begin t...
5 Min Autoimmune Disease: How To Impr...
Discover effective strategies for improving autoimmune conditions and enhancing your overall wellbeing.
Definitions To Know:
⚕ Inflammatory Bowel Disease- a term that encompasses two gut inflammatory diseases, Chron's disease and ulcerative colitis
⚕ Rheumatoid Arthritis- a chronic inflammatory ...