In this video, we invite you to let go of seriousness and embrace playfulness and curiosity, encouraging you to focus on how the poses feel rather than how they look and giving yourself the space to move freely.
☑ Increased Creativity
☑ Improved Spirit and Mood
☑ Enhanced Mobility
☾ ☼ Best used in the afternoon or evening, especially in times of sluggishness or distraction to get your mind energized and back on track.
✎ Learn The Science: In a recent study, participants who practiced yoga more frequently demonstrated higher levels of mindfulness and reported greater openness to new ideas, experiences, and perspectives.
Up Next in Fitness For Depression
30 Min Chair Movement For Energy
Empower yourself with a series of movements to boost physical and mental energy.
☑ Enhanced Energy
☑ Boosted Mood
☑ Increased Mobility✎ Learn The Facts: Studies have shown that having increased energy during the day can lead to improved and deeper sleep at night.
5 Min Back Strengthening
Learn effective back strengthening stretches for improved back strength, core strength, and stamina.
☑ Improved Core Strength
☑ Revitalized Back Health
☑ Increased Functional Movement✎ Learn The Science: Increasing back strength and flexibility can reduce risk of injuries, improve posture, and...
10 Min Seated Flow For The Core
A core-focused seated yoga flow designed to improve muscles and stability while deep breathing and releasing toxins. Relieve lower back pain and tension in the lower body while simultaneously activating your core.
☑ Released Low Back Pain
☑ Stronger Core
☑ Restored Stability☾ ☼ Ideal for both...