Beginner Workouts

Beginner Workouts

Beginner Workouts
  • 5 Min Bodyweight Cardio

    A high-energy class focusing on cardio exercises using only bodyweight movements to improve cardiovascular health.

    ☑ Improved Heart Health
    ☑ Boosted Endurance
    ☑ Increased Strength

    ✎ Learn The Science: Regular physical activity, including cardio exercises, has numerous health benefits, such as r...

  • 10 Min Yoga For Full Body Strength

    This practice unites the mind and body for comprehensive strength from head to toe.

    ☑ Toned Full Body
    ☑ Improved Flexibility
    ☑ Increased Strength

    ✎ Learn The Science: Yoga routines contribute to increased muscle mass, improved overall strength, enhanced flexibility, and a positive impact on car...

  • 5 Min Yoga For Back Strength

    Revitalize your spine and cultivate back strength with these simple yoga poses.

    ☑ Reduced Back Pain
    ☑ Increased Flexibility
    ☑ Better Posture

    ✎ Learn The Science: Yoga can help improve spinal flexibility and reduce muscular imbalances, contributing to better overall back health.

  • 5 Min Yoga For Core And Balance

    Strengthen your core and improve balance in just 5 minutes.

    ☑ Improved Balance
    ☑ Increased Core Strength
    ☑ Better Posture

    ✎ Learn The Science: Short sessions of yoga can significantly improve core muscle activation, leading to enhanced postural control and overall stability.

  • 10 Min Yoga For Leg Strength

    Enhance your lower body strength for energy and balance.

    ☑ Improved Strength
    ☑ Increased Balance
    ☑ Boosted Stability

    ✎ Learn The Science: Engaging in regular yoga for leg strength has been scientifically linked to improvements in lower limb muscle endurance, joint flexibility, and overall funct...

  • 10 Min Yoga For Strong Arms

    A dynamic session promoting strength, tone, and flexibility in the arms and shoulders.

    ☑ Toned Upper Body
    ☑ Improved Posture
    ☑ Increased Mobility

    ✎ Learn The Science: Building arm strength through activities like yoga offers various benefits, including increased muscle tone, improved endurance,...

  • 10 Min Pilates for Legs and Glute Activation

    Activating key muscle groups for enhanced tone and functionality.

    ☑ Improved Stability
    ☑ Enhanced Balance
    ☑ Increased Leg Strength

    ✎ Pro Tip: Focus on engaging your glutes throughout each movement, emphasizing the mind-muscle connection to maximize the effectiveness of the exercises and enhance...

  • 10 Min Core Strengthening Pilates

    Improve your core strength and empower your body from the inside out.

    ☑ Revitalized Balance
    ☑ Better Stability
    ☑ Increased Strength

    ✎ Learn The Science: Targeting the core muscles significantly increased the strength of the deep abdominal muscles, contributing to improved spinal stability and r...

  • 10 Min Cardio Barre Fusion

    Experience a dynamic blend of cardiovascular intensity and barre-inspired fitness.

    ☑ Improved Cardiovascular Health
    ☑ Enhanced Stamina
    ☑ Revitalized Endurance

    ☾☼ Best used as a cardio workout, or anytime you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Fun Fact: Cardio Barre Fusion is a unique and effective way t...

  • 10 Min Lower Body Barre Sculpt

    Tone, lift, and strengthen your legs and glutes for a sculpted lower body.

    ☑ Improved Balance
    ☑ Increased Leg Strength
    ☑ Toned Glutes

    ☾☼ Best used as a lower body workout, or anytime you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Fun Fact: Lotte Berk combined ballet moves with rehabilitative exercises to create ...

  • 10 Min Full Body Circuit

    Experience a dynamic and challenging full-body circuit workout that will elevate your fitness to new heights!

    ☑ Improved Blood Flow
    ☑ Better Heart Health
    ☑ Increased Full Body Strength

    ☾☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or anytime you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Learn The Science: Resea...

  • 10 Min Leg and Glutes

    Unlock the power of strong and sculpted legs and glutes.

    ☑ Improved Stability
    ☑ Enhanced Posture
    ☑ Increased Balance

    ☾☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or anytime you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Learn The Science: Research has demonstrated that exercises focusing on the legs and glutes...

  • 10 Min Pilates Core

    This specialized workout is crafted to target and tone your abdominal muscles, helping to sculpt and strengthen your core while promoting improved posture and flexibility. With its emphasis on controlled movements and precise muscle engagement, Pilates offers a safe and effective way to enhance c...

  • 10 Min Pilates Glutes

    Embark on your Pilates journey and find strength with these glute-focused movements.

    ☑ Strengthened Glutes
    ☑ Improved Stability
    ☑ Enhanced Range Of Motion

    ☾ ☼ Best used as part of a morning or evening workout routine, or anytime you have a 10 minute break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Many Pilates exe...

  • 10 Min Pilates Roll Up

    Fire up your muscles to learn these fundamental Pilates exercises. Utilize quick and intense core, glutes, and oblique workouts to maximize your strength.

    ☑ Strengthened Glutes
    ☑ Improved Core Muscles
    ☑ Enhanced Stability

    ☾ ☼ Best used as part of a morning or evening workout routine, or anytime...

  • 10 Min Pilates Teaser

    Work this classic Pilates exercise that will challenge your balance and core stability. This quick session will leave you feeling flexible, toned, and ready to take on your day.

    ☑ Toned Muscles
    ☑ Improved Balance
    ☑ Enhanced Stability

    ☾ ☼ Best used as part of a morning or evening workout routine...

  • 10 Min Pilates Inner Thighs

    This quick 10 minute session will target and tone your inner thighs. Work your foundation and build a powerful and strong body.

    ☑ Toned Thighs
    ☑ Improved Balance
    ☑ Enhanced Stability

    ☾ ☼ Best used as part of a morning or evening workout routine, or anytime you have a 10 minute break.

    ✎ Learn t...

  • 10 Min Yoga Standing Poses

    While most standing poses cause you to consider outer form, today we will focus on the inner form. The inner form is what prepares us to be strong and master these standing poses! Join us and find your strength and balance.

    ☑ Improved Blood Flow
    ☑ Increased Leg Strength
    ☑ Toned Muscles

    ☾ ☼ Best...

  • 10 Min Yoga Open Twists

    Put your new Yoga Immersion skills into action in this Standing Pose exercise! Focus on open twists and calming breathing techniques.

    ☑ Improved Blood Flow
    ☑ Increased Core Strength
    ☑ Boosted Flexibility

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or whenever you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Lear...

  • 5 Min Mobility Flow

    Rejuvenate your body and enhance your mobility.

    ☑ Improved Range Of Motion
    ☑ Increased Flexibility
    ☑ Healthier Posture

    ☾☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or anytime you have a 5 min break.

    ✎ Learn The Science: Mobility flow exercises can improve joint health and reduce the risk of ...

  • 5 Min Cardio Abs

    Get ready to torch calories and sculpt your core.

    ☑ Improved Metabolic Rate
    ☑ Stronger Abdominal Muscles
    ☑ Boosted Heart Health

    ☾☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or anytime you have a 5 min break.

    ✎ Fun Fact: Cardio Abs workouts combine cardiovascular exercises with targeted ab ex...

  • 5 Min Arm Strength

    Tone your arms, shoulders, and chest for a stronger and more confident you.

    ☑ Improved Upper Body Strength
    ☑ Better Posture
    ☑ Decreased Neck And Shoulder Pain

    ☾☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or anytime you have a 5 min break.

    ✎ Learn The Science: Arm strength training enhances m...

  • 10 Min Yoga Closed Twists

    Calm the fluctuations of the mind by focusing inward with closed twists!

    ☑ Improved Blood Flow
    ☑ Increased Core Strength
    ☑ Boosted Flexibility

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or whenever you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Twists promote spinal mobility, alleviate tens...

  • 10 Min Yoga Downdog

    Find the relief as you use these Downdog stretches.

    ☑ Improved Circulation
    ☑ Increased Core Strength
    ☑ Reduced Tension

    ☾ ☼ Best used as a morning or evening workout, or whenever you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Research indicates that this pose can help lengthen the spine, stretch...