Boat pose, (Paripurna Navasana), strengthens the abs & hips and can stimulate the kidneys to improve digestion.
☑ Improved Core Strength
☑ Boosted Digestion
☑ Increased Balance
☾ ☼ Best used if you want to improve core strength, or anytime you have a 2 min break.
✎ Learn the Science: While in boat pose, the hip flexor muscles are engaged in lifting the legs. As you extend the legs, you can also experience a stretch in the hip flexors.
Up Next in All Classes
2 Min Eagle Pose
Eagle pose,(Garudasana), improves digestion, balance and focus, increases circulation to joints, and opens the hips. Eagle pose will strengthen your arms, knees, legs, and ankles.
☑ Improved Flexibility
☑ Boosted Total Body Strength
☑ Increased Balance☾ ☼ Best used if you want to improve bala...
3 Min Side Plank
Side plank (Vasisthasana) improves balance, strengthens the arms and core while stretching the back of the legs.
☑ Improved Core Strength
☑ Toned Arms
☑ Boosted Balance☾ ☼ Best used if you want to challenge your full body, or anytime you have a 3 min break.
✎ Learn the Science: Balancing on ...
5 Min Warrior 1 & 3
Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana I) and Warrior 3 (Virabhadrasana III) energizes the whole body and improves focus, balance and full body stability. This session also encourages circulation and respiration.
☑ Improved Focus
☑ Lean Figure
☑ Enhanced Stability☾ ☼ Best used if you need an energy boost...