Unlock greater shoulder flexibility and mobility with yoga.
☑ Improved Flexibility
☑ Enhanced Upper Body Mobility
☑ Reduced Shoulder Tension
☾☼ Best used when you experience shoulder stiffness or tension, or anytime you have a 10 min break.
✎ Fun Fact: The shoulders are one of the most mobile joints in the human body, allowing for a wide range of motion, but this flexibility also makes them prone to tension and stiffness, making yoga for shoulder flexibility particularly valuable in maintaining optimal function and comfort.
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10 Min Yoga For Hamstrings & Core
This yoga flow focuses on lengthening the body through stretches for the hamstrings and core, helping to release tension and improve flexibility.
☑ Stronger Posture
☑ Improved Stability
☑ Enhanced Mobility☾ ☼ Best used in the morning or afternoon, or as an addition to a fitness routine.
✎ Lea...
10 Min Yoga For Focus & Clarity
Enhance your focus and clarity with this 10-minute seated yoga practice that is perfect for those with limited space and aims to release tension, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
☑ Increased Circulation
☑ Boosted Energy
☑ Revitalized Clarity☼ Best used in the morning or mid-day, ...
10 Min Yoga For Hips & Back Body
Welcome to this 10-minute yoga flow for tension relief in the hips and back body! This practice is perfect for those days when you're feeling a little tight or stressed, and just need a quick reset.
☑ Stabilized Hips and Back
☑ Improved Blood Circulation
☑ Enhanced Mobility☾ ☼ Best used in the...