An experienced organizational consultant and training facilitator, Linda specializes in offering strategic solutions for leaders to thrive. She is passionate about integrating her passion for equity in all of her training. When training for leadership, Linda strives to encourage her students to "level up and thrive".
3 Min Behavioral Interview Questions Explained
Behavioral interview questions ask a job candidate to describe previous workplace situations.
☑ Enhanced Interview Skills
☑ Thoughtful Questions & Answers
☑ Self-Reflection Skills✎ Pro Tip: Be honest when asked about weaknesses or times you have failed. Interviewers want to see how you deal wi...
5 Min Identifying Interview Red Flags
Recognize warning signs in interviews to avoid hiring mistakes.
☑ Boosted Candidate Evaluation
☑ Confident Decision-Making
☑ Reduced Hiring Risks✎ Pro Tip: A lack of curiosity about the role or company can indicate low engagement—strong candidates typically ask insightful questions about the j...
3 Min Key Interview Questions For Hiring Success
Gain insight into questions to ask your potential job candidate to ensure they are the right fit.
☑ Boosted Workplace Harmony
☑ Informed Hiring Choices
☑ Productive Interview Structure✎ Pro Tip: Avoid yes/no questions and instead focus on open-ended prompts to encourage candidates to showcase...
3 Min Common Interview Pitfalls & How To Avoid Them
Strengthen your interview skills by learning tips to avoid common mistakes.
☑ Boosted Confidence
☑ Fulfilling Job Opportunities
☑ Improved Professional Communication✎ Pro Tip: After the interview is complete, reach out to the interviewer and thank them for their time. This helps to exemplify p...
3 Min Keeping Your Children Physically & Emotionally Safe
Work to protect your children’s wellbeing and foster a safe, compassionate environment.
☑ Boosted Self-Esteem
☑ Established Sense Of Boundaries
☑ Nurturing Family Relationships✎ Pro Tip: Talk openly about emotions with your child, which will help them to identify and label their feelings.
3 Min Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
Learn strategies to protect and support vulnerable adults, ensuring their safety and dignity.
☑ Physical & Emotional Safety
☑ Compassionate Caregiving Strategies
☑ Disability Support & Awareness✎ Pro Tip: In addition to physical support, be sure to support the emotional needs of your loved one...
3 Min Parenting Your Child With Disabilities
Discover strategies to support your child's unique needs and boost their growth and confidence.
☑ Increased Emotional Support
☑ Boosted Love & Compassion
☑ Disability Support & Awareness✎ Pro Tip: Encourage your child to advocate for their needs being met. Whether this is accommodations at sch...
5 Min Supporting Your Child's Creative Expression
Learn ways to nurture your child's creativity, boost their confidence and encourage self-expression.
☑ Flourishing Creative Expression
☑ Healthy Self Expression
☑ Improved Joy & Mood✎ Pro Tip: Openly support and praise your child's creativity. If they enjoy visual arts, display the creations i...
3 Min Recognizing & Treating Compassion Fatigue
Identify and combat compassion fatigue for better mental and emotional health.
☑ Reduced Stress & Fatigue
☑ Boundary Setting Skills
☑ Self Care Tips✎ Pro Tip: Try to avoid using substances like drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism for stress and as a way to manage your emotions. The negative...
3 Min Cultivating Unity In The Workplace
Discover tips for navigating difficult conversations in the workplace during challenging times.
☑ Strong Social Unity
☑ Increased Emotional Intelligence
☑ Cohesive Workplace Community✎ Pro Tip: Consider hosting a training session on emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, or inclusivity f...
3 Min Supporting Employees From Global Communities
Learn ways to support employees from all walks of life to promote a globally diverse workforce.
☑ Cultural Awareness Strategies
☑ Building Inclusive Policies
☑ Enhanced Representation✎ Pro Tip: Consider hosting employee events that cultural diversity such as potlucks, or give opportunities for...
3 Min 5 Principles Of Customer Service
Master the key principles to deliver exceptional and memorable customer service.
☑ Reflective & Active Listening
☑ Boosted Communication Skills
☑ Problem-Solving Techniques✎ Pro Tip: Depending on your industry, you can personalize interactions by remembering customer names and preferences to ...
5 Min What Is Psychological Safety?
Learn about the various types of Psychological Safety and how they benefit the workplace environment.
☑ Healthier Work Environment
☑ Boosted Workplace Happiness
☑ Enhanced Communication Skills✎ Learn The Facts: Statistics show that when applied to the workforce, on average improving psychologi...
5 Min Building Relationships & Friendships
Enhance your personal relationships and friendships with these key tips.
☑ Emotional Equity
☑ Improved Communication Skills
☑ Improved Relationships✎ Learn The Facts: Relationships are reciprocal, a good relationships is based on honesty, support, and loyalty. Both people must see each other a...
5 Min Helping Your Loved Ones With Their Mental Health
Support your loved ones through challenging times with the following tips.
☑ Mental Health Awareness
☑ Increased Supportive Environment
☑ Crisis Reduction Techniques✎ Learn The Facts: It is important to know when to intervene in the case of a mental health emergency. If you feel concerned abou...
3 Min Emotional Physics
Work towards reaching your goals and taking the first actionable steps.
☑ Improved Goal Setting & Achievements
☑ Boosted Productivity
☑ New Lifestyle Habits✎ Pro Tip: Creating a schedule can help you to take the first steps in completing a task.
5 Min Anti-Inertia Toolkit
Regain motivation and momentum when working towards your goals.
☑ Increased Motivation Techniques
☑ Positive Self-Talk
☑ Daily Lifestyle Changes✎ Learn The Facts: When struggling to stay motivated, remember your "why". Remind yourself of the reason you're working toward your goal.
5 Min Steps To Freedom
Find techniques to feel strength and empowerment as you strive towards your goals.
☑ Goal Setting Techniques
☑ Positive Motivational Techniques
☑ Intention Setting Techniques✎ Learn The Facts: Finding loved ones who motivate you, and help you feel confident in achieving your dreams will build ...
5 Min How To Build A Healthy Relationship With Social Media
Gain awareness of the impacts that social media can have on your mental health.
☑ Improved Self Worth
☑ Mindful Technology Usage
☑ Boundary Setting Skills✎ Learn The Facts: Social media’s addictive nature triggers the brain’s reward center by releasing dopamine, a “feel-good” chemical associat...
5 Min Returning To Work After Maternity Leave
Transition with ease and confidence back to the workplace after becoming a parent.
☑ Confident Workplace Transitioning
☑ Balanced Work & Family Life
☑ Increased Organization✎ Learn the Facts: Research shows that supportive workplace policies and flexible arrangements can significantly ease th...
5 Min Communicating With Different Conflict Styles
Diffuse conflict quickly and effectively by knowing the different conflict styles.
☑ Empowered Communication
☑ Improved Relationships
☑ Decreased Tension & Conflict✎ Learn the Science: Studies indicate that individuals who can recognize and adjust their approach to conflict tend to experience...
5 Min What Is Quiet Promoting?
Learn about quiet promoting, the challenges it can cause in the workplace, and how to prevent it.
☑ Enhanced Communication
☑ Career Advocacy Skills
☑ Improved Awareness✎ Learn the Facts: Only 22% of employees will speak up when being silently promoted.
5 Min Breaking The Performance Punishment Cycle
Learn how to support all of your employees equally by breaking the performance punishment cycle.
☑ Boosted Workplace Morale
☑ Enhanced Mental Health
☑ Increased Leadership Skills✎ Learn The Science: Studies also show that 89% of employees who experience support of mental wellbeing in their ...
5 Min Managing Millennials & Gen Z
Understand the differences in workplace culture and mindsets for both millennials and gen Z.
☑ Improved Generational Understanding
☑ Enhanced Communication
☑ Revitalized Leadership✎ Learn the Science: According to studies, 77% of gen Z employees do not want to work for a company whose values ...