5 Min How Volunteering Elevates Wellbeing
5m 52s
Experience the positive benefits that volunteering has on our physical and mental health.
☑ Increased Positive Impact
☑ Renewed Purpose
☑ Sense Of Community
✎ Learn the Facts: Through looking at levels of hormones in the brain, researchers have found that volunteering can enhance our mental happiness. For example, working and connecting with people and animals have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety.
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5 Min Discovering Your Passion In Vol...
Consider volunteering to guide you in uncovering your passions and interests.
☑ Evolved Passions
☑ Open-Minded Approach
☑ Enhanced Self Discovery✎ Learn the Facts: Some of the top volunteering causes in the United States are hunger and homelessness, health and wellness, faith and spirituality,...
5 Min Integrating Volunteering With D...
Learn time management skills to help increase your volunteering and service based efforts.
☑ Small Acts Of Kindness
☑ Service Oriented Mindset
☑ Meaningful Contributions✎ Fun Fact: Other methods of volunteering and doing good that may be easier to fit into a busy schedule include donating bloo...
5 Min Finding Volunteer Opportunities...
Learn methods to find volunteer opportunities for causes that you are passionate about.
☑ Inspiration & Growth
☑ Transformative Experiences
☑ Boosted Communication Skills✎ Learn the Facts: Statistics show that there are over 1.8 million non-profits in the U.S. alone.