5 Min Developing A Healthy Relationship With AI
4m 38s
Cultivate a mindful relationship with AI by exploring its impact on wellbeing and integrating healing-informed practices to navigate its influence.
☑ Healthier Technology Use
☑ Healing-Informed Approaches
☑ Deeper Human Connection
✎ Fun Facts: AI technology is also developing to improve and understand trauma informed care. A study in 2019 began developing AI software that can learn and understand the symptoms of PTSD, and be able to diagnose it in patients by simply hearing audio recordings of patients speaking.
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Learn how to use AI to improve daily routines and support healthy lifestyle changes.
☑ Improved Wellbeing
☑ Enhanced AI Skills
☑ Increased Creativity✎ Learn The Facts: AI can help with a variety of important tasks from financial support and advice, giving mental health and wellness support, an...
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