Beat The Boredom

Beat The Boredom

American Vision Partners
Dive into exciting practices designed to combat boredom and spark creativity.

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Beat The Boredom
  • July Calendar

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  • 10 Min Yoga For Playfulness & Curiosity

    In this video, we invite you to let go of seriousness and embrace playfulness and curiosity, encouraging you to focus on how the poses feel rather than how they look and giving yourself the space to move freely.

    ☑ Increased Creativity
    ☑ Improved Spirit and Mood
    ☑ Enhanced Mobility

    ☾ ☼ Best used...

  • 5 Min Creativity Meditation

    Rejuvenate your mind and allow creativity to flow naturally. Use this creative outlet to release your tensions and worries. This session is your invite to feel a sense of originality and innovation.

    ☑ Improved Innovation
    ☑ Increased Creativity
    ☑ Better Imagination

    ☾ ☼ Best used if you are exper...

  • 15 Min Movement To Combat Stress

    Targeted movement exercises designed to reduce stress and calm the mind and body.

    ☑ Reduced Stress
    ☑ Increased Energy
    ☑ Improved Circulation

    ✎ Learn The Science: Engaging in regular physical activity can reduce stress levels by lowering cortisol levels and increasing the production of endorphin...

  • 5 Min Meditation For Gratitude

    By cultivating gratitude, you tap into the power of acknowledging and appreciating the blessings and abundance present in your life, no matter how small. Embrace the understanding that you hold the power to shape your own reality and create a harmonious and fulfilling existence, rejoicing in the ...

  • 10 Min Freestyle Dance

    Have fun, dance free, express yourself and discover your freestyle moves!

    ☑ Boosted Energy
    ☑ Improved Stamina
    ☑ Enhanced Mood

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 10 minute break.

    ✎ Fun Fact: This style of dance allows for creativity, self-expression, and individuality as dancers respond to the mu...

  • 10 Min Pilates For Energy Boost

    Feel recharged and revitalized with this 10 minute Pilates boost!

    ☑ Improved Productivity
    ☑ Enhanced Mood
    ☑ Increased Energy

    ✎ Pro Tip: This practice is designed to enhance oxygen circulation, stimulate the release of endorphins, and optimize neuromuscular coordination.

  • 5 Min Meditation For Empowerment

    Discover a reservoir of inner strength and confidence with this meditation.

    ☑ Improved Confidence
    ☑ Increased Mental Strength
    ☑ Better Productivity

    ✎ Pro Tip: In your meditation for empowerment, focus on cultivating a positive and empowering internal dialogue by consciously replacing self-limit...

  • 20 Min Stretching With A Chair

    Unwind and release tension with a series of seated stretches designed to improve flexibility and relieve tight muscles.

    ☑ Reduced Stiffness
    ☑ Improved Mobility
    ☑ Increased Range Of Motion

    ✎ Learn The Facts: Seated stretching is not only beneficial for improving flexibility and range of motion b...

  • 5 Min Meditation For Productivity, Focus & Clarity

    Through this practice, you will cultivate mental clarity, learn to navigate distractions with greater ease, and stimulate productivity, empowering you to make more conscious choices and approach problem-solving with a calm and centered mindset.

    ☑ Boosted Productivity
    ☑ Restored Clarity
    ☑ Increas...

  • 5 Min Fun Movement

    Stimulate your mind and body and promote blood flow with this quick movement session.

    ☑ Improved Circulation
    ☑ Toned Muscles
    ☑ Increased Stamina

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 5 minute break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: Research conducted at the University of Michigan discovered that incorporating...

  • 10 Min Meditative Journaling

    Learn how to tap into your inner intuition and creativity through meditative journaling. Find your inspirations using journaling techniques and empower your own vision. Use this creative outlet to allow your tensions and worries to escape as you invite feelings of innovation and originality.

    ☑ D...

  • 5 Min Visualization Meditation

    Navigate your intentions and awaken your inner strength with Yemie as she utilizes visualization to guide you to the present. Help create a greater degree of focus and direction in your life through this carefully calibrated routine.

    ☑ Improved Focus
    ☑ Better Resilience
    ☑ Stimulated Energy

    ☾ ☼ ...

  • 10 Min Barre Core & Balance

    A dynamic workout designed to tone your core and improve overall stability.

    ☑ Improved Stability
    ☑ Increased Core Strength
    ☑ Revitalized Power

    ☾☼ Best used as a core and balance workout, or anytime you have a 10 min break.

    ✎ Pro Tip: The combination of weight-bearing exercises and isometric m...

  • 5 Min Walking Meditation

    Sync your breathing with your steps as you find your rhythm and pulse through this walking meditative practice. Absorb this quiet time with yourself, see your feet in front of you, and allow yourself to simply be in the moment.

    ☑ Increased Presence
    ☑ Rejuvenated Peace
    ☑ Enhanced Connection

    ☾ ☼ ...

  • 7 Min Free Drawing

    Express yourself through drawing exercises: allow your thoughts to transition from judgement to observation.

    ☑ Improved Creativity
    ☑ Increased Healing
    ☑ Boosted Artistic Skills

    ☾ ☼ Best used anytime you have a 7 minute break.

    ✎ Learn the Science: The act of creating art and engaging in a medit...