5 Min Music For Loneliness Relief
For Travel
7m 16s
Focus on your breath and tap into your emotions by following along in this music to dive into the idea of oneness and explore the opposites of being alone.
☑ Improved Strength
☑ Rejuvenated Stability
☑ Decreased Loneliness
☾ ☼ Best used when you are feeling lonely, or whenever you have a 5 minute break.
✎ Learn the Science: Listening to music can reduce feelings of loneliness and increase social connectedness.
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☑ Improved Courage
☑ Rejuvenated Stability
☑ Decreased Fear☾ ☼ Best used when you are feeling fearful, desiring courage, or whenever you have a 5 minute break.
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5 Min Touch & Earth Meditation
Use Touch and Earth to help guide your meditation to relieve any unnecessary tension. Find yourself in the moment.
☑ Improved Mood
☑ Decreased Worry
☑ Stimulated Peace☼☾ Best used outdoors, or whenever you have a 5 min break.
✎ Fun Fact: Regular outdoor meditation can contribute to improved ...
5 Min Taste & Sky Meditation
In this sense-memory meditation session, you will connect with images of nature around you with your human sensation. This class will leave you feeling light, mindful, and free.
☑ Improved Mood
☑ Decreased Worry
☑ Stimulated Peace☼☾ Best used outdoors, or whenever you have a 5 min break.
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