Empower yourself with financial knowledge by learning the differences between credit and debit cards.
☑ Boosted Financial Awareness
☑ Improved Credit Score
☑ Budgeting Skills
✎ Learn the Facts: Having a financial notebook or tracking system can help you to manage your finances through your credit and debit card spending.
Up Next in For Students
5 Min What Is On My Credit Report?
Gain an understanding of how to read your credit report and how to improve your credit score.
☑ Credit Report Literacy
☑ Improved Credit Score
☑ Boosted Financial Opportunities✎ Learn the Facts: Small unpaid medical debts under $500 often no longer appear on credit reports from major bureaus,...
5 Min Financial Independence And Tran...
Gain essential insights and practical tips for transitioning to financial independence after college, empowering you to navigate the workplace with confidence and financial savvy.
☑ Improved Debt Management
☑ Budgeting Skills
☑ Strong Financial Goals✎ Learn The Facts: 40% of young adults ages ...
5 Min Building Your Credit Score As A...
Discover practical and actionable steps for students to start building their credit score in just five minutes, setting a solid financial foundation.
☑ Improved Credit Score
☑ Boosted Financial Literacy
☑ Empowered Financial Planning✎ Learn The Facts: Establishing responsible credit habits ear...