Maximize your lower body with four separate patterns. A powerful butt and legs will enable full-body motion in every workout. Learn proper techniques in various sequences to get the most from your workout. This combination of squats and lunges will leave you stronger and more energized.
☑ Boosted Lower Body Strength
☑ Increased Energy
☑ Boosted Cardiovascular Health
☾ ☼ Ideal for morning or evening fitness routines, or anytime you have a 10 min break.
✎ Learn the Science: A comprehensive lower body full body workout can contribute to enhanced athletic capabilities.
Up Next in Day 1
10 Min Sleep Better
Enjoy a soothing and meditative journey to sleep, allowing your mind and body to find tranquility and peace. Through guided relaxation techniques, you will learn to let go of outside worries and release the accumulated tension of the day.
☑ Improved Sleep Quality
☑ Boosted Relaxation and Calmnes...